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About Me

i'm just a girl. single mom, 13 year old son. Normal job w/ benefits, glad i still got a job, this economy deal is a real bummer. charlie crist is a tool. i used to party like a rock star. now i'm sober (meaning not FUBAR every day of the week) and i have a devine doctor who treats my brain w/ lotsa legal meds. hey, i'm just being honest. This is MYSPACE and you need a juicy bio to read. Anti psychotics, anti anxiety, anti seizure, anti whatever... rockstars tend to die, or end up like keith richards. i tell myself i was just having fun... enough fun to fill 10 lifetimes... although, i like to boast, i was highly functional, no pun intended. excellent student, acquired and kept a job, paid my bills, lost my oldest child, raised my youngest child, endured addiction, found sobriety. i lived to tell the tale, but i have to admit, i cannot say i would change one thing cuz all events lead to where you are, and i like to be here right where i'm at... BUT, I do have a new perspective on my environment and i am enjoying my newfound peace.

My Interests

Aphrodite (ft. B Levy) - All Over Me

Add to My Profile | More Videos Pendulum - Hold Your Colour Music Vid

Add to My Profile | More Videos Pendulum - Slam

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I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet all kinds of people, but to keep this short i think we should first begin with those people who are still living on this earth... hillary clinton, george clinton of the funkadelic (bootsy too), bill murray, andy dick, stephen hawking, amy sedaris(google it, she is too funny), ANNE RICE. people who are dead? einstein, sir isaac newton(major depressive, major intelligence), joan of arc (that girl was trippin), lucy, chris farley, ANNE RICE


I studied 10 years classical piano, i am once again taking lessons from my old teacher, regaining my repertoire. Otherwise, i am a 311 FREAK and i also love electronica, especially dnb.


Hilarious clip from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

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Strangers With Candy

Add to My Profile | More VideosJerri turns on the charm

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mom dad and our fine soldiers of the USA.

My Blog

high school reunion

our 20  year reunion is this year.   there is a myspace page for our class  members to join i just deleted all my blogs.  wouldn't want to freak anyone out who might be a pass...
Posted by becky on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 08:43:00 PST