Mark `M.E.` Edwards profile picture

Mark `M.E.` Edwards

Mark "M.E." Edwards- M.E. Flying

About Me

"Covering the sonic ground of a Joe Satriani with perhaps an early, Megadeth-era Chris Poland sensibility, Edwards should attract some of the many thousands fans of his vocal band Overlorde over to the instrumental side for a guitaristic side trip."
- GUITAR NINE review of G.W.A. (Guitar With Attitude)
June 2, 2007
M.E. will be in attendance representing OVERLORDE
April 24, 2007
1) Check out BEYOND EAR CANDY to read the review of M.E.'s show at SUMMER POWER MADNESS this past August. Click on the banner below.
2) M.E. will be performing at BROOKLYN METALFEST 2 with Overlorde! See UPCOMING SHOWS above for more details. His White Flying V, broken at last year's festival, should make its return debut as it is expected to be fully repainted and repaired by then.
3) Visit to see the new video single of SNOW GIANT featuring M.E. on guitar...
4) On a personal note, M.E. proposed to his beautiful girlfriend Georgina. She said YES and they are now engaged!
(Georgina and M.E. at SUMMER POWER MADNESS August 2006)

Mark "M.E." Edwards is the guitarist for U.S. Power Metal veterans
OVERLORDE (Sonic Age Records). He is also a songwriter and owns

This MySpace page will highlight M.E.'s other material, including his instrumental recordings. The songs in the Music Player can be downloaded, and are high quality 192k MP3 CYBER SINGLES which are suitable for airplay on broadcast and internet radio (if you are a programmer at a metal or heavy rock radio station, be sure to check them out).
M.E. is currently looking to license his existing instrumental recordings for world wide release. Interested Record Labels are welcome to drop him a line at his MySpace e-mail.

Check out one of M.E.'s tunes on the compilation CD for the upcoming
Visit the official M.E. FLYING V website, the OVERLORDE MySpace page. and the Official OVERLORDE website.
Purchase Overlorde's RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT or M.E.'s CDr-demo G.W.A. (GUITAR WITH ATTITUDE) at the SONIC AGE RECORDS online store:

M.E.'s 1983 White Flying V, broken during his show at Brooklyn Metalfest in June, is on the mend! Check out the progress in the slideshow below...
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
M.E. once again performed his "One Man Show" during SUMMER POWER MADNESS on August 12th. The show went great! And better yet, none of his guitars were broken this time. Thanks to all who came out to enjoy a night of power, progressive, and instrumental METAL!
M.E. thanks the organizers for including him in the event. Thanks also to BEYOND EAR CANDY for sponsoring the event. Want Power and Progressive metal 24/7? Tune in to BEYOND EAR CANDY metal radio!
Members of the NYC Tristate Area Metal Meetup Group were out in force. Check out pictures taken by the members at the below link!
Metal Meetup Group Photo Gallery
And check out the photos taken by the staff of BEYOND EAR CANDY.
M.E. in Action -------- Fans at the Show
M.E. performing his song THE JOUST at Summer Power Madness.
Photo courtesy of BEYOND EAR CANDY metal radio

NOTE FROM M.E. 07/01/2006 :

My thanks to everyone who came out and supported me, or saw me for the first time, on June 24, 2006 during the BROOKLYN METALFEST at THE HOOK!
It was a great night. Lots of great bands, the crowd was cool, and it was my first time playing out in over a year. And of course I was also celerating my birthday. I did three "One man show" solo sets between bands (me on guitar accompanied by programmed drums and bass) and I also performed with headliners MAGUS BEAST during their set. We performed KILL WITH POWER by Manowar and it went great. As a special note, former Manowar guitarist ROSS THE BOSS was in the audience during the song.
My sincere thanks to all the guys in Magus Beast. The jam was great guys!
It was also cool to see so many people from the NYC TriState Metal meetup group (see below left) come out in support of the fest.
Now as many of you know, I performed my "One Man Show" on the floor, off to the right of the stage. And as you know, a drunken audience member walked into my equipment between my first and second sets. He knocked over my Marshall stack, which fell both onto me and crushed my Flying V.
I of course was OK, as I continued performing the rest of the night. But as you see in the below picture, the Flying V broke into two pieces.
I knew upon seeing the break that, as bad as it seemed, my repairman could return it to its original condition. And yes, I have delivered the guitar (as well as a Marshall amp head and cabinet which were also damaged) to him and he has promised IT WILL BE FIXED!
Who is this miracle worker? Rich Koerner at TIME ELECTRONICS in Union NJ. Rich will be photodocumenting the repair as it happens and I will post pdates as they go online.
My thanks to the management of THE HOOK and the festival organizers for their professional handling of this unfortunate situtation.
Untiil next time, LONG LIVE ROCK & ROLL!


WMV clip of M.E.'s solo in the song OGRE WIZARD during Overlorde's performance at POWERMAD V Metal Fest, August 18, 2001

Filmed by THE TINKS INC. Still photo credit: Dave Peterson
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Note from M.E. 05/26/2006 :
Hello! This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend here in the U.S.A. Also known as the unofficial start of SUMMER!
To mark the start of the season, I have added my song SUMMER CRUISIN to the above Music player.
The song was actually inspired by summers here in New Jersey. The annual trek down to the Jersey shore via the Garden State Parkway (maybe with the top down if you have a convertible) and cranking the tunes. Of course, this assumes the Parkway isnt backed up for miles. Ha!
As you will hear, the song perfectly captures that feeling. So check it out, download it, and pop it in your car when cruising this summer! Enjoy!

Which guitar are you

My Interests


Member Since: 9/21/2005
Band Website:"
Influences: Randy Rhoads
Ritchie Blackmore
Gary Moore
Michael Schenker
Alex Lifeson
Gary Richrath
Uli Roth
Joe Satriani

Want to hear the best in rock and fusion guitar based instrumentals 24/7? Well it exists, on the web, at LIVE365. The name of the station is

And you will even be sure to hear M.E.'s instrumentals on occasion.

Check out their MySpace page below for info on how to tune in!

Sounds Like: Heavy Metal ala Iron Maiden/Rainbow/Rush and Heavy Rock Instrumentals ala Satriani

M.E. is the Assistant organizer for the


If you attend shows in the NYC area, feel free to join! Click on the images below.

(Members of the meetup group at the recent ATTACKER CD release show)
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Here is info on how to order my release titled G.W.A. (GUITAR WITH ATTITUDE)  "Covering the sonic ground of a Joe Satriani with perhaps an early, Megadeth-era Chris Poland sensibility, Edwards ...
Posted by Mark `M.E.` Edwards on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 08:29:00 PST