Night Cap, Glacier National Park Mental Toss Bros! Boise Scorcher Champs '06 Luke, Lins, Latoya: Everything But The. . . SHAKE FACE @ Bill's 24th B-DaySan Pedro & I post sushi and sake.Bildo's 24th Birthday. Yohan, San Pedro & I; Pattee Canyon 11/05 Los Banditos Took over the Fall In the Mud Tourney. Quincy, CAShortly after winning the "Family of the year" award!Chico Lifestyle.Traveling, anything spontaneous, back fires, back country skiing, salsa dancin', lightning, cooking, long boarding, watching the swells change with sand in the toes, frisbee golf, coffee, biking along a river, giving away contageous smiles, hiking through rainforests, ultimate disc, rolling sushi, live music, drip torches, hot springs,Ben & Jerry's "Everything but the," shooting film, turning up loud electronics in department stores, people watching, micro breweries, sandals without socks, the sound of rain on a lake, getting decked out for theme parties, dark chocolate and getting lost in a foriegn country.If you haven't been to the Sierra Nevada Brewery yet, it's ok. They are not going anywhere!
Ladies who have a full set of teeth.
Porn Star Name: Tongue U. Master
Playin' chess in Germany against Philipp's pop.
Eclectic Taste with a hint of Latino.
IFC (inde) films, Run Lola Run, Boondock Saints, Ameli, El mariachi, Like Water for Chocolate.
San Jose Sharks and Ski Porn.
The Art of Happiness, The Last River, In A Sun Burned Country, A Walk in the Woods, On The Road, Beoyond the Sky and Earth, Into the Heart of Borneo, Walk in the Forest, Satori In Paris, This Is Burning Man, The Camino and Perfect 10 magazine.Love Ultimate Disc = Love HecklingBRING THE HECKLEHumboldt BUD, Alumni Hoopa, HELL on Earth!
All Grand Parents F*ing rock!