affinities, aptitudes, arcane, archery, art, artistic expression, astrology, astromomy, behavioral studies, behaviors, belief systems, beliefs, biking, books, camping, cats, celtic art, celtic music, celts, channeling, charles darwin, comparative religion, computers, conversations, costumes, creating things, creation, cultural history, cultures, darwinism, depression, designing, divination, dreams, drumming, electronics, emblems, emoticons, emotions, empathy, emphasis, energetic states, energy, engineering, environmentalism, evolution, evolving, excitement, exercise, existence, experimentation, fantasy, felines, fiction, fighting, flirting, foreign culture, friends, garb, ghosts, hedonism, hiking, history, intellectualism, intelligent life, invigoration, kink, kinky sex, kissing, knives, leather, leathersmithing, lesbians, light, literature, magic, magick, masks, massage, meaning, mechanical aptitude, mechanics, medieval, mediumship, mentality, mentoring, metal bands, metal working, metaphysical reality, metaphysics, motivation, mountains, movies, music, mythology, mythos, natural science, natural selection, nature, not being bored, paganism, pagans, paradigm shifts, paradigms, petting, photography, physical activities, physical arts, physics, power tools, psychology, reading, religion, ren faire, renaissance, renaissance festivals, rock, role-playing, rpg's, rum, sci-fi, science, science fiction, scientific exploration, SETI, sex, sexuality, skills, smiting, sociology, sound, sound waves, speaking with the dead, speculations, spirituality, studying things, superstitions, sword fighting, swords, symbols, thinking, triggers, understanding, unitarian universalists, universe, wenches, whiskey, women
Authors of great literature for long conversations, creators of amazing art to discuss style, color and texture, designers of fantastic objects to debate form and structure, teachers of philosophy to explore the nature of existence, seekers of spirituality to share magical experiences with. The list goes on and on. I like to connect with people of all walks of life and share my world with them.
Rock! From Audioslave to Zepplin! Give me music that is upbeat, hits hard and makes me want to drive really fast and I am a happy kitty!
Action! Dramatic film is fine for casual viewing, but what I really want is a movie where there is not only a great story, fully developed characters, good plot progression, but things going really fast, incredible danger and stuff blowing up! Indiana Jones? James Bond? Neo? Somebody DO something!!!
Battlestar Galactica, Heroes, Lost, Stargate: SG-1. Most of the stuff on TV these days is crap. Reality shows suck because they are not at all real. If you want to be entertained, try fiction and fantasy...they are more fun!
Asimov to Zelazny. I prefer a good far future science fiction tale or ancient and magical story of ages past. Very seldom do I spend my time reading about the modern day. Only Crichton and a few others have made today that interesting!
Batman, Wolverine, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Cops, Firefighters, Soldiers and anyone who puts themselves in danger to help or protect someone else. Hats off to you.