The D. O. double C. profile picture

The D. O. double C.

I like children.... Fried

About Me

What up what up! My name is Carson; at least I got that much right! I'm 23 and like to think that live like it. I am actually in a really funky space in my life. I worked really hard to start a career and then I quit. That's right. I left the copious amounts of cash and went back to school. I guess I wasn't that happy and I figured that if I didn't take the time to be happy no one else would do it for me. I love school, sometimes. I love being productive and reaping the rewards of the awesomeness that is the fruits of my labor. If you haven't caught it by now I'm kind of cocky. I can't really help it. I have a propensity for being a pain in the ass. It's nature. Aside from that I'd like to think that I am a loyal friend. My priorities in life are as follows: Loved ones first and foremost followed by me. I will do anything for my family. Anything. There is nothing above their happiness and well being that I cherish more. After them, naturally, comes myself. However paradoxical it seems I am a strong egoist. I don't believe there is anything that should be more cardinal in my life than that which pleases me. Aside from my aforementioned cockiness I believe I'm very down to earth and a practiced realist. I'm always the one to keep my cool and analyze what's been done, what is needed and who I need to make what I want to happen come to pass. Yes that is right; I am the real life Sebastian Valmont. I don't think I'm a bad person. There may be some who feel to the contrary. I love foreign languages. I'm looking to speak at least 10 by the time I'm 35. School, again... I'm currently enrolled at the University of Utah working towards BA degrees in Biology and Spanish. We'll see if the actual Spanish degree happens. Most likely, I'll end up with a BA in Biology and minors in Chemistry, which I hate, and Spanish, which I love. I hope to use them to go to Med School someday. I am a member of the Utah Army National Guard. I love the U.S. I love traveling. Utah is a crazy and a "non-cool" place but I always want to come back to it. Disagree? AWESOME!! I love a great discussion about ANYTHING. I am a master-debater... That's right, I do it orally. I'm not sure what else there is to say other than offer a few words that I try and live by. "I am. I think. I will... It is my eyes which see, and the sight of my eyes grants beauty to the earth. It is my ears which hear, and the hearing of my ears gives its song to the world. It is my mind which thinks, and the judgment of my mind is the only searchlight that can find the truth. It is my will which chooses, and the choice of my will is the only edict I must respect." Live for you. Love for you. Open yourself to the world, take what you want and leave the rest.I got my layout from - check out their MySpace Layouts !
Create your own Friend Quiz here

My Interests

I like politics cause I'm a master debater, hanging out with friends, movies, music, etc... Who reads this stuff anyway?HOLY CRAP THAT QUIZ IS GOOD!!!
You scored as LD Debate. Your Event is Lincoln Douglas Debate. You debate a philosophical topic that changes every two months. You prepare your case and your speech before the round. Time limits: 6- Affirmative Constructive 3- Negative Cross-Examination 7- Negative Constructive 3- Affirmative Cross-Examination 4- Affirmative Rebuttal 6- Negative Rebuttal 3- Affirmative RebuttalEach speaker is given 3 minutes of preparation time that can be used at any time during the round.

LD Debate




Ted Turner Debate


Humorous Interp




Public Debate


Policy (CX) Debate


Dual Interp


Dramatic Interp

What Speech and Debate Event Should You Do
created with

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is HALF as amazing as my little brother Griffin. May he rest in peace.He was one of the few people that I actually looked up to in this world. He had a smile that could melt anyone. I loved him.There is nothing else to say... I loved him. Griffin Walter Lacy 06/27/89 - 11/28/06
My World Visitor Map!


The Starting Line, The Academy Is, Chevelle, Dice and K-Nine, all Rap- but not Kanye cause he sucks... with a capital SUCK, Killers, Greenday, Incubus, Yellowcard, Mest, Hawthorne Heights, Fall Out Boy, Coheed and Cambria, Red Jumpsuit, 30 Seconds to Mars, Saves the Day, and the list goes on and on and on. Oh yeah... 311=ANUS and Mariah Carey is my girlfriend.


Anchorman, Zoolander, The Last Samurai, Batman Begins, Sahara, Alexander, LOTR, Harry Potter (HP is really cool and I'm not a nerd), anything with: death, destruction, mayhem, etc... or midgets. Gotta love them midgets.


Jed Bartlett is my hero!!! West Wing Forever!!! Dave Chappelle is GOD! Gotta love those yummy samiches... mmm crack samiches.


Things Fall Apart, Heart of Darkness, Anthem, any Dan Brown, Fountainhead... I'm really game for anything.


This sexy kid. This is my little brother Griff.A few people who try and measure up are...Charleton Heston baby... he's so... I dunno, Tyler "The Man" Ashby, anyone who is doing what they want to be doing, and ... my dog. OH MY GOSH!!! Maddox... how could I delay your presence on this list... I AM SO SORRY!! Everyone... check him out

My Blog

Miss you bud...

Can't help but think of this song today.  Really sucks that I can't get it out of my head because it is so sad.I'm just so tired Won't you sing me to sleep And fly through my dreams So I can hitc...
Posted by Griff's Bro on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 08:13:00 PST

Everyone should read this

Okay, I know this is rather cliche so bear with me.  I honestly believe in the fundemental priciples drawn upon in the below listed Anthem quote.  I try and apply these principles in every a...
Posted by Griff's Bro on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:10:00 PST