Bradley Howington profile picture

Bradley Howington

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Come to me, clouds.
May you rise as an evil storm born to rip them open.
Let the cover of the night bear witness and destroy those who resist so they shall harm me not.
Let the blood of many cleanse me, preserving beauty eternal, I pray you.
My Thoughts
Have you ever wondered, how we was put on this Earth? I don't believe in all this religious stuff. The first ever living things on this Planet were the Dinosaurs. Then a big Meteorite hit the Earth, and by doing so killed the Dinosaurs. The Meteorite turned the Earth to dust, there was no living thing, nothing. Then Human Beings popped up, out of no where.
That is what I do not understand. I mean who is God and Jesus? The Bible and "God" was created just to make Money, is what I believe. If there is a "God", I think he would be hating all People right about now. The Earth is not going to end in a Ball of Fire, it is working backwards it seems. We the People are killing ourselves.
If there is a so called "God", he would know that what we are doing to this Planet is wrong. It's the truth that earth is going to end just like Planet Mars. Earth will be a dead Planet, floating around in Space, and who ever is after us will be sending Robots to this Planet. Seeing if there was people, or if any type of life ever lived and survived here. It's sad what is happening, Animals are dying off. In return another Animal will die, then others, then others, then us.
If we don't change what we are doing to Planet Earth, Planet Earth will just be a big ball of dust, just like Mars. Global Warming is taking over, but you really never know what can come next. Soon the earth could be just one big ball of ice. We then would die, and it would be another Ice Age. But who knows what would happen next?
The last Ice Age happened about 20,000 years ago. This does not mean that it could not ever happen again. In a few Billion years the Earth will be no more, it will soon end like Mars. They find New Planets, and they (the Government) are also going to work on getting us in to Space on another Planet if ever there was a problem with Planet Earth. But if people take care of this Planet, there would be no problem. Though even if people took care of the earth, it would no last forever.
Planet Earth would eventually die out. Though in a few Billion years, the people who are alive today won't even exist. Haven't you ever wondered, what is on the other side? Such as in when you die, where do you go? Something is going to happen, people die for a reason. If you go to "Heaven", who really knows? How is something created, such as a life? How was we the "People" put here on Earth? How did we get here? We have so many Questions, and never anyone to really know the answer.
We have to go forth, and find out why we was put here. There has to be some kind of reason we are here. How did we get feelings, that can be hurt? How did we get feelings of love. Is someone controlling us? We can feel, Love and care, but why? How come we are here, then we have to leave? ...So Many Questions, So Little Time. Will we ever find out, the true meaning of Life?
I Love Photography
My name is Bradley Howington, and I love Photography. Photography is like a drug, you get hooked. Well, I do anyway. I guess seeing what beauty I can capture next. Have you ever captured an amazing view of the Sky? Have you ever captured an amazing Picture of your Wife, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Pet or just any Picture that you really loved? If so, how did you feel? I can't really describe the feeling I get with Photography. It's just something I like and that I'm good at, I guess. That's why I can't put it down, and I keep on working at it, I just love it! :)
Everyone has a Hobby. If you like doing something, you will continue to do it and try and perfect it, right? If I find a problem with a Picture, I'll take it again, work with it, try and perfect it. I'm a Perfectionist, everything I do has to be perfect (in my eyes), or I will not release it. Everyone does something that they love, and Photography is something I love. What is something that you love to do? ;)
The Wonders Of The Universe
I have always had a fascination with Astronomy, which is the study of objects (such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies). I've always had a "thing" for Planet Mars. Was there life on Planet Mars at one time? Or is Mars still evolving?
If Mars is evolving, couldn't "we" mess it up, by sending Rovers to the Planet? Just think, what if Mars is like Earth? What if Life forms on the Planet, and we have Rovers sent there and thing's? They would not have that kind of technology. (I'm Talking About Human Life). If Humans "some how formed", they would not have that kind of technology. What if we mess something up? I know I said "formed", but how did we even get on earth?
Mars could have been like Earth, flowers blossomed, grass nice and green, trees nice and tall, "this is what I think" ...then Mars could have been hit by a Comet, Meteorite...Etc. It's weird how Planet Earth is the "Right Planet", for Life. Earth is not to hot, and not to cold, it is just right. NASA launched the Kepler Mission to find Planets like earth, which they call "Habitable Planets", planets that are not to hot and not to cold, that are just right. It is amazing that NASA launched the Mission, I would want to know if Life exists in out Milky Way Galaxy. Though I already know that Earth is not the only Planet with Life. There has got to be Life out there on other Planets.
Sometime in the Future, Humans are going to have to move to another Planet. The Planet they most likely will go to is Mars. (That Is What I Heard). But how they would survive on Mars, is another question. With Temperatures -125°C (-193°F) to 25°C (77°F). But, you all know that NASA would figure something out.
Will "we" ever find Life on other Planets? I think so...But, that is the question that haunts us all. I would love to find Life on other Planets. It may not be Life that needs Water in order to stay alive. There is Life all around us, and we can't get to all of the Billions of Galaxies. Because there is more Life out there. Aliens come to Earth all the time, now lets go to there Home. Lets see what they can do for us. I believe that the Aliens come to Earth to try and warn us about what is going to happen in the future. They have such big dark eyes, because they had to live under ground for so long. That is going to be us in the future. We have just got to change, and save our Beautiful Planet.
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This Will Be Right Back! Making Changes...
♥My Best Friend♥ - Jake ;-)
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Watch This Video, It Made Me Cry. ;[

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Being Misunderstood
People Assume they Know me. Maybe they Read something off of the Internet about me. Maybe what they Read was something someone had said, about me. To tell you the Truth, know one knows me, but myself. But, what you Read on this Page is all About Me. What you Read on this Page is all about me. So, do me a Favor. Don't go running your little twinny Bopper Mouth at me. Because of what some 'Stupid Ass Fake Bitch Said About Me'.
Do the Research People. Look me up on Google. Read about me. Listen to my Music. Before you go shooting off your Mouth to me. And have not a Damn Clue of what you are Talking About...When I was in School, People would come up to me, also some of my Friend's. They would tell me thing's like...'This Person Said You Was Doing This' That Person Said You Was Doing That' I'm like, what the Fuck. How do these People even know me?
To tell you the Truth. Those People didn't know me. It could have been something someone Told them. Because People always Talked about me. Maybe it's because I was the Biggest FAG in that School. I was Proud of it. I'm a FAG, yeah. Know one is going to Change that. Yes, I have had People try to Change me. When I first came out. My Mom's Boyfriend told my Mom, while they was in Bed. He thinks that I was Raped. I was never Raped in my entire Life. So, it's People Assuming. Yeah, People can Assume anything. But, if you want the truth. Go to the Person they are saying all this Shit about. Go to them. Because they are the ones, who know themselves much more then the Next Person.
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This Picture Was Just Taken For Acting Purposes.
I'm Not Really Trying To Kill Myself.
Having To Deal With Loosing A Loved One. + Gay Hatred, Heath Ledger & God.
Having to Deal with the Pain of loosing someone that you really Loved. I know what it is like to Deal with and go through it. My Grandmother 'Ruby' she meant the World to me. She even Lived with me for a Few Year's. I would sometimes make her a Nice Breakfast, when I was up that Morning. It was just so Painful to watch her in the Hospital with all of the Tubes they had in her Throat, nose and everywhere else.
When she Passed away, my Mom was measurable. Being that it was her own Mother, who has passed. It killed my Grandmothers Daughters most of all. Just knowing that they would never see their Mother again. My Grandmother, brings me to a Topic, today.
My Grandmother, was a Christian. You Hear what WBC is saying about Heath Ledger, just because he Stared in 'Brokeback Mountain'. When I told my Grandmother that I'm Gay. She did not Care. She said she will Love me no matter what. Being Gay Is Not A Choice People. I don't care who or what told you that it was a Choice. God, made us Gay People the way that we are. Actually it's not 'Gay' it's Homosexual.
I have been Gay ever since I was 5 or 6 Year's Old. Ever since I could remember.
God, Loves everyone. That is what People say. Most of the time, you can't believe any thing that People say.
Because to tell you the Truth, people, don't know God... I mean, do you know God?
Have you met God? Did he Tell you everything Himself?
No, he did not.
Think about It.
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Jake: The Story/Keep Your Best Friend Close
If you have a Dog, or any other Animal for that matter.
Hold on to them, they are your Best Friend.
In my Time of need, when I felt know one Loved me.
I had one Best Friend. His name is Jake.
Jake, is my Dog. Don't mistreat your Best Friend.
The Story...
Jake came to me as an Angel, I always thought. I Prayed to God, and the next Day........
I was lying in Bed, Playing a Video Game.
I was in my Sisters room, her room was off by the Porch.
I heard something let out a Cry. So, I thought an Animal had been hit by a Car.
I went out onto the Porch and looked into the Street, I didn't see anything.
I kept on Looking off the Porch. Then I stooped, and turned around... There, under a Chair, starring up at me, was a Dog. He has a Blue Eye, his other Eye is Brown with Blue in the Corner.
When he looked up at me, it was a sad look... It was a help me look.
I Picked him up, and rushed him into the House.
My Mom's first words were 'We Are Not Keeping That Dog'.
Well, he stayed with us for a few Day's, and I guess my Mom got attached to Him.
So, she said I could keep Him. I was so Happy.
I named Him 'Jake' after a Cartoon Character I liked.
'Swat Kats' yeah I know he was Named after a Cat.
But, I loved that Cartoon.
I still believe Jake was Sent to me by an Angel. ;)
Jake is everything to me.
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Beauty & Love
Am I, Ugly? Yes, I am. Am I, Beautiful? No.
Will I ever make something of myself? Nope I will not.
Those are the thing's I say to myself. I never feel as if I'm Beautiful.
But, somehow I go on. I try to put it all to the Side, and not think of it.
It is Hard.
Do you Feel as if no one Likes or Loves you? Do feel Bad. You are not the only one.
I never thought that anyone Likes or Loves me. I also think that I never feel Cute, or Beautiful.
Do you always Feel Beautiful? No, I can say you don't.
All People do not Feel Beauty all of the Time.
I Love everyone. But, everyone does not Love me.
I always Include that in my Daily Life, of Hell.
But, I do have a Problem with Hater's.
So, I do not Like them.
I Hate Them.
So, Beauty is Hard. Who would you classify as Beautiful?
I would have to say, that I classify Madonna.
Because I Love Madonna.
She is the Best Performer in this World.
And she always makes it a Bang, Performance.
So, Stay Strong, Don't Let Anyone Get In The Way Or Your Dream's.
I Love You. I Hope You Love Me.
If You Are Not A Homosexual Hating Homophobe Piece Of Shit. ;)
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Be Yourself
I Teach People, Mainly Teen's and Young Adult's. Not to Care what other People think of them.
People should not Care what other's think of them.
They should be able to Dress and Act how they want.
I Teach People to be Comfortable with their Sexuality.
If you're Homosexual, Bisexual, Transsexual, Lesbian, Transgender.
It is your Life. Fuck what other People think.
People only Bother you because they get off on Hurting other's.
If you don't let them get to you, then it will Stop.
Also, when you're in a big Crowd.
Like you and a Bunch of your Friend's.
People will not Bother you or say anything to you.
Probably because you and all of your Friend's will Gang up on them and Kick their asses.
One thing you must know about me...
I LOVE Helping People.
It has always been something that I enjoy doing.
Be yourself. Don't let anyone get you down.
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Be You, Message To All My Homosexual People, Your Family Calling You Names? People Treating You Like Shit? Hater's?
Hey, This Is A Message To All My Homosexual People.
I want you to be Free. I want you to Live your Life.
You only have one, so Live it to the fullest!
In some cases, 'you' is all you have.
Don't be afraid to be you. You're going to have Hate your whole Life.
Trust me on that. It may never go away.
Even your Family may Hate on you.
I know that for Sure.
My one Aunt Calls me a Fag, and Shit.
Behind my back of course.
My one Cousin Calls me Jeffree Star & Britney Nicole.
Because the Dumb Crack Whore thinks I'm getting a Sex Change.
And I should name myself Britney Nicole.
I don't think so.
Because I'm not getting a Sex Change.
I mean, why, why get a Sex Change?
I don't want one.
You just don't know how my family is.
I have not seen them for a while.
And, it will Remain that way.
They want to Talk about me.
Fuck Them!
I can go on, with the rest of my Life.
They don't need me.
I don't need them.
They want to Talk about me?
Well, I can Talk about them.
Works both ways.
Sorry I Went On Rambling.
But, all in all.
You have to stay Strong.
Try not and let it get to you.
And Be You.
Be Yourself.
Don't Let Any Piece Of Shit, Tell You Other Wise.
And try not to let other's get you down.
Hater's don't Bother me anymore.
They just make me Famous.
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Please, Add This Banner To Your MySpace Page.
If You Want.<3 :)

Photo Credit: Skye
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Madonna is the Person I would Love to meet. Because I Love Her, Her Music & all She does. Her Movies and everything. I have not yet seen her Sex Book. And would Love to see it! ;D

My Blog

Boy + Girl <3 (Lol)

People ask me, "Why Do You Go From Boy To Girl Or From Girl To Boy?"Well, there are times I feel like dressing up like a Girl. Then there are times I feel like dressing up as a Boy.Even though we all ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 May 2009 23:33:00 GMT


Yes, I get hated on. But, who doesn't? As long as you are strong, with some confidence. You know who you are, and if others say shit to you. You can just brush if off. Because no one knows you better ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 12:20:00 GMT

Drama Over The Internet...

Drama on the Internet? ... If you want to post your little useless post about me on Sticky Drama, then go right ahead. Come knock on my door and say what you have to say about me to my face. Oh you ca...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 08:10:00 GMT

Love Me Or Hate Me...Darling. (I Can't Change The World Alone)

You think your negative comments bother me, right? Well, I'm sorry, they don't. I just laugh them off, and think of how stupid you are.I've been called names my whole life, even by some people in my I...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 05:35:00 GMT

The Speed of Light (Poem)

The Speed of Light  I've always thought of having Power's.But I guess I could be wrong.That True Love, that you Thought you had, has turned his or her back on you.So, you try and go to that place in y...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 13:36:00 GMT

Protect (Poem)

ProtectLife's Not Perfect, All The Time.It Hurts, And Burns, And It Can Drop You Like A Dime.Life Is Something We All Have To Hold On To.Don't Throw It Away, For Your Own Game.Don't Play With It, Just...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 00:19:00 GMT

I Searched/Forbidden Trust

I Searched/Forbidden TrustI searched the depths of Hell and I still haven't found what I'm looking for, one day I will be strong if not today then tomorrow, I sit and I cry but where will that lead me...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 00:13:00 GMT