Writing, poetry, singing, dancing, music of all kinds, reading, Art, graffiti, design, graphics.. and all that kind of stuff,comedy,celestial phenomenons, Meteorological mysteries, political scandals, criticized theories, quantum-physics, talking, tattoos, fame and fortune, the odd and unknown, unique people/places/things....I'm sure the list could end up quite lenghtly. I have too many interests. My AIM sn is Bamtizzle.
VISIT 944 MAGAZINE(The publication I write for!)HERE AT 944.com
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People that are intellectual, talented and skilled, intuitive, motivated, goal-orientated, rational, humble yet confident, respectful, loyal, and just people that bascially are not afraid to be themselves.
I am open to all kinds of music and my taste in music really isn't that limited. But, I do like rap and hip-hop best. I'm into underground. I like Revelation 8:10, Just-IN, Blazed, Soope of The Grind Family, Soundmaster T, Ill Eagle, Ostrich Head, and also Linkin Park, Fort Minor, T.I., and a whole bunch of others. I'm into some punk and hardcore bands. I love Hooverphonic. I like some chorus music, and classical/orchestra. I love Evanescence. Some strangling likes of mine include Frank Sinatra, Within Temptation, a slew of techno, House, Progressive, Trance, Andrea Bocelli, and some Trip Hop.
I really love foreign films. I also like to watch pieces on quantum physics and political scandals/government corruption, such as Zeitgeist.
I hardly EVER watch t.v. Too busy...
Currently reading: The Selfish Gene I like any good fiction. I love religion vs. Science pieces..they will forever intrigue me. I am a magazine fiend. I like to read political books, especially conspiracy theory ones. I also like to read various educational pieces. I enjoy my own writing as well.
I have yet to find one.