Mike Rotch profile picture

Mike Rotch


About Me

I am an audio engineer. For those of you who don't know what that is, it means I do sound for concerts. I live with my Fiance Amy and we have two Golden Retrievers. One named Jackson and the other is named Marley. I used to skateboard and inline skate alot when I was younger, but not so much now that I am old. But I can still grind and ollie!In my free time I make films with my friends. We make horror flicks, funny stuff and now we are jumping into the mysterious relm of sci fi. Yea, I know. It won't suck though. I promise. I am still editing my first "real" film (and yes, those are rock "s) It is called Serenity Heights. It's a horror film that has everything you need, mystery, drama, evil ghosts and guts. lots and lots of guts. and yes, they are real. You should check it out on myspace.com/serenityheights. Right now it's just got a teaser and some stills, but I promise you that this indie horror film won't suck. View the teaser and look at the stills and leave me a coment. until then. i'm history.

My Interests

Playing Dungon & Dragons for hours!!!

I'd like to meet:

Bruce Campbell (not just a handshake and a pic, but an hour long lunch), Sam Raimi, Kevin Smith, Edward Norton, Josh Blue from last comic standing, Dane Cook, Fat Mike, El Hefe, Eric Melvin, Dave Mathews, Bradley Nowell, Jack Johnson, Donavon Frankenreiter, Bob Marley...


Zombies Ate My Chicken!!!
Get this video and more at MySpace.com


Serenity Heights Teaser
Get this video and more at MySpace.com


I love Amy!


Look for my newest instructional book at your local book stores..."How to draw sitck figures"


Bruce Campbell. Enough said.