THIS IS ME.I don’t like liars. I don’t like fake people
If you don’t like me, that’s cool.
The more people talk, the stronger I grow.I believe that life is too be lived.
Don’t live your life in the shadows.
Make the most of every opportunity you get.
Don’t betray yourself for ANYONE.I would like to think that everyone around me was genuine.
Real friends will be your backbone through hard times,
Treat them well.I like people who can have a deep convosation,
But can kick back and relax.
There’s only one life,
Don’t take it too seriously.Everyone gets burned by someone they love,
But there will always be someone to pick you up.
You’ll always find your prince charming when you least expect it.
You have to have loved and lost to learn and love again.In the words of Christine Dolce
Don't Lust for what you See...
Desire what you know...