UNDERGROUND RUSSIA profile picture



About Me

---------------------------- Lord Finesse vs Percee P ------------------------------------------------------- Kazi and Madlib AVERAGE --------------------------IT IS NOT JUST A POETS IT IS AN MC'eeS.Underground rap in russia it is the real shit the "kids" don't understand...It is an a real MC'eeS tellin us about things that going on around the streets or any other deep and intresting iformation even from Galaxy for all the people who "knows" or trying to find somthing.Most of Russian "rappers" desided to be an a famous artists and poets without being an real MC.They even don't now what is a rhyme and how to us it. They think that they can be called an a rapprer without freestlyle.So if U give them tha Microphone they will say nothing.The only reason fo them to be a rapper is to earn money. That's why they songs is club style or pity lyrical story for childrens - age 12-16.They do not understand this culture couse theirs mam's was helping them to do the first staps through all they life supply they kids with easy money and most of them was suppose to go home by 8 pm at the age of 20...That's why they didn't grow up mamy's always been around helping them to survive.The underground rappers it hard live from the streets and philosophy all around the world. That's why their music and words are real intresting they are workin with style and freestyle an they are MC's not for money they all for the "true".KONTEYNIR, RINO4NIE OTNOSHENIYA, TRIO MARIO, SALUT, UNDERWHAT?, GRUBIY NIOTKUDA, TATO, LENINA PAKET, SPACECAVE, KROVOSTOK, TRADITION, 43 GRADUSA, 4ETKOE SLOVO, KRASNOE DEREVO it's a short list of true underground rappers in russia.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/18/2007
Band Website: Underground
Influences: James Brown / Notorious B.I.G. / 2pac / ONYX / Madlib / MF Doom / J Dilla / Wu-tang / Guru / Jeru da Damaja / Lords of The Underground / White Hot Ice
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None