Skateboarding, Music, Design, Art, Photography, travel, death, zombies, tattoos
Defiance + Unique = Human Revolution:
Night of the Living Dead, The Professional, Slc Punk!, Batman, TMNT, Godzilla, Alien, captain Ron, Jurassic Park, Dawn of the Dead, Run Lola Run, HOuse of a 1000 Corpses, 28 Day's Days Later, Blood Sport, Factodium,
FEFU by The Dwarves w/ Suicide Girls. Directed by Robert Sexton.
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Adult Swim, History, Discovery, FREE SPEECH TV, VH1, Comedy Central, Public Access, IFC.
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, American Hardcore, Primal Screamer, Dr. Susse, Henry Rollins, Naked Lunch, Art of War, On The Road, The Hatchet, Jaws, Derailing Democracy, Rebel Life, Murder By Rich.
Me, My Self, and I. Mum, Dad, Anne, Wes, James, M. Shaw, Jezra, Keri, STZA, Alic Balle, Jello B,Slayer, Blag D, G.G. Allin, Alex Jones, Ben Franklin, SMP.