GLasGow meGA SnAKE profile picture

GLasGow meGA SnAKE


About Me

My Interests

PosT-rOcK and EXperiMentaL post Music, Drone, DoOm, Cinematic Kraut rocK ..G.Y.B.E, TheE siLver Mt. Zion meMorial ORChestrA, The SpHeres, MoGWaI, eLizabETh anKa VajagiC, BORIS


Depressing music for my iron belly..

MUMSilver Mt. ZioN memoRiaL oRCHestRa & the TRA La La banD.. |Radiohead| |PORTISheAD|..........|GoD is An asTRonaUT|................|FLy pAN AM|............|Silver Mt ZIOn& Tra-la-la BanD|...........|MUM|...........|poLmO PoLpo|..........|My vitriol|.........|LaLi pUNa|..........|GODspeEd You BLack EMPEror|........|mY LifE wiTh thE THriLLKiLLKuLt|............|FRiends oF DEAn MARtineZ|..........|PELicaN|............|At tHE dRive In|..........|DaviDBOWIe|............|ELizabETh AnkA VaJaGiC|.........|HangeDuP|..........|pixies|............... ...|diLingER eSCapE PLaN|.......... |LABRafoRd|.........|XiU xiU|.........|siGUr ROs|..............|ReZso SereSs|............|sEt fiRE tO FLames|............|EXhauST|............|MOtoRhEad|......... |MarS VOLta|..........|1-speed bike|............|et san|...........|PJ harvey|.........|Bjork|............|bottleskup flenkenkenmike|.........|HRSTa|..........|expLosions IN tHe sKY|........|JoY DivisiOn|.........|sonNa|.....|AMPlifieR|........|INTerpoL|. .........|mAssive AttAck|........|SLOwdiVe|........|CReatures|.........|Do MAke SAY THinK|.......|Pure Saturday|........|KUbIK|..........|TOOL.|.........|MogWai|.. ........|BAUhaUS|.........|balai mecanique|........|sam SHaLabi the shalabi effect|...........|'GYpT gORE|............|Siouxsie anD thE baNSHEEs|...........|DREDG|........|BLack RebeL MotorCycLe CLub|........|EsmeriN|........|vINcent GALLo|.......|bakunin's bum|.....|Caspian|........ |Russian Circles|....... |...As The Poets Affirm|........ |Irepress|....... |We Vs. Death|..... |BORIS|.... |té|.... |souvenir's young america|......... |Rad Kjetil and The Loving Eye of God|.............. |Meanwhile, back in Communist Russia|........ |Arab Strap|........ |Pg.Lost|............ |The Spheres|......... |The Gray Field Recordings|.......... |Kafabindünya|.......... |Max Richter|......... |clione-index|....... |Don't mess with Texas|........... |This Will Destroy You|....... |The Swords Project|....... |Library Tapes|......... |World's End Girlfriend|............ |Swimming_With_Ghosts|..... |SWEEK|...... |The One AM Radio |......... |To Be A High Powered Executive|........ |The Appleseed Cast|........ |Miaou|.......... |DUARA|....... |NATSUMEN|........ |Beware of safety|........ |Jóhann Jóhannsson|.......... |Sickoakes|........ |The Exploits of Elaine|....... |The Strange Death of Liberal England|.......... |Romance of Young Tigers|...... |NARA|......... |International Karate|........... |Æther|...... |The Rock Of Travolta|....... |Lullabye_Arkestra|....... |Ahlev_De_Bossa|...... |The Seven Mile Journey| |six part seven|....... |Below the Sea|......... |Sunn o)))|......... |We Followed Tigers|..... |this is your captain speaking|....... |CtrlAltDelete|.......... |HAMMOCK|.......... |Pan•American|........... |GReGoR SamSa|............ |bLueneck|..... |65daYs of STATIC|....... |ELUVIUM|... |MONO (jpn)|..... |MAYBESHEWILL|....... |Efterklang|......... |YNDI HALDA|........ |arcade fire|......... |Let Airplanes CirCLE aHEAd|........|Up C Down C Left C Right C ABC + Start|......... |RedSParoWES|......... |desTRoyaLLdreamers|....... |dont mess with TexaS|.......... |RumaH saKit (USA)|.......... |these monsters|........ |samueL JacksoN fiVe|....... |Yndi HaLda|........ |Te|...... |black ox orkestar|...... |we're from japan!|.... |Low|........|aether|....... |antennas to heaven|........|Khanate|..... |Morkobot|.... |Tarentel|... |gnaw their tongues|.... |the Bird Ensemble|... |EARTH|... |Exhaust|...... |Ginnungagap|...... |Hyatari|...... |KiloWattHours|...... |Kalimayat|..... |fighterpilot|....... |Khuruksetra|............... |COLOPHON|.............. |Solaire|........ |MilHaven|............ |Tuna Laguna|......... |Agalloch|................... |the Allstar project|.......... |Crippled Black Phoenix|...... |bright red paper|...... |Tracer AMC|.... |sublux|...... |Magyar posse|..... |sparrows swarm and sing|............ |the evpatoria report| anything with CAtatonic Manic-depressive Tunes


August un derground delirio caldo olga's house of shame tetsuo the brown bunny last house on the left tales from the gimli hospital videodrom begotten santa sangre viva la muerte el toro gummo guinea pig series silence of the lambs Das bot red dragon hannibal se7en ichi the killer clockwork orange trainspotting ZatoicHi seven saMUrai fallen judgement day band of brothers hitler gettysburg 24 hours party people in the name of the father fifth element leon the professional la femme nikita


peter murphy

My Blog

Marché la void Launch first single

Marché la void launch first singleSetelah menyelesaikan recording EP pertama Marché la void "Cacophonia EP" lanjutan dari demo yg berjudul "praises, pleads & regrets". EP MLV di schedulekan untuk ...
Posted by GLasGow meGA SnAKE on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 10:57:00 PST