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You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he

About Me

CLICK HERE TO GET A PRE-MADE MYSPACE LAYOUTi'm at byu in provo, utah, studying my butt off. i'm addicted to green beans and i have an intense fear of sponges. i love my family and i love my car. i also love riding horses on my grandpa's ranch in canada (the best place in the world). my new favourite snack is freeze-dried ice cream. i think those are the most important things to know about me...
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My Interests

reading, driving, water-skiing and wakeboarding, riding horses, eating, and most recently snorkeling.. though i didn't do that often enough in hawaiiTake the quiz:
Which Disney Princess are you most like (with 2 new princesses)

You're a loving and giving person, and you can always see the good inside others. You love to read and spend more time with your friends.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, George Washington, Tim McGraw, J.K. Rowling, Joseph Smith


alkaline trio, tim mcgraw, the rocket summer, ben harper, brad paisley, mae, fallout boy, postal service, saves the day, something corporate, the starting line, finch, further seems forever, the used, ben folds five, foo fighters, mxpx, get up kids, taking back sunday, deana carter, early november, bright eyes, weezer, jessica andrews, rascal flatts, so much more...


Beauty and the Beast, Princess Bride


Desperate Housewives, The Office, Gilmore Girls


Harry Potter, Lori Wick books, Golden Compass trilogy


My Deddy

My Blog

im a loser, i know it. but i'm a little bored...

L/O/O/K/ A/T/ M/E/x Whats your natural hair color? dirty blonde i think? x What is your current hair color? dirty blonde coming in on the top, then light brown, and darker towards the ends x What...
Posted by Elisse on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 11:53:00 PST