Iz spostovanja do bivsih clanov skupine, smo se odlocili, da ostanejo anonimni. Hvala!
Zgodovina nasega benda sega v leto 2004 (obiskovali smo 8. razred osnovne sole), ko smo se priceli pogovarjati o ustanovitvi benda. Jaz Andrej sem konceval 5. razred glasbene sole, kjer sem se ucil igrati na bobne. Imel sem sosolca in prijatelja Nicka, ki si je takrat kupil kitaro in pricel pridno vaditi. Dan po valeti (zakljucku 8. razreda), smo se prvic sestali in ustvarili peklenski hrup. Sosolec P.G., bivsi clan benda, pa se je odlocil, da si kupi bas kitaro. Do popolnosti sta nam manjkala le se pevec in ime benda. Zaradi pomanjkanja znanja in prepricanja, da je lazje uspeti z igranjem znanih tujih pesmi, smo priceli z igranjem le teh. Ker smo vsi trije bili veliki obozevalci ameriskega benda System Of A Down (v nadaljevanju SOAD), smo priceli igrati njihove pesmi. Nase prve priredbe skupine SOAD so bile Darts, ATWA in Sugar. Na zeljo basista, smo se posvetili tudi legendarni Nirvani. V tem casu smo se udelezili nasega prvega nastopa na prvem Live Jam festivalu (Open Smile Jam) v Lendavi. Kljub temu da smo bili brez vokala in imena, je nastop uspel.
Vendar so kmalu odnosi v bendu priceli slabeti. To se je zgodilo, kadar smo se zaceli uciti pesem Seek and Destroy od Metallice. Zaradi prepirov, nestrinjanj in slabih odnosov smo se odlocili za enoletni premor. V tem casu se je Nick posvetil svoji solo karieri ter nabiranju znanja in izkusenj, jaz in P.G. pa sva ustvarila nov bend, kjer smo imeli dva kitarista in pevca. Ustvarili smo tri avtorske pesmi, ki so bile res po mojem okusu. Vokalist se je priblizeval izjemnim death metal vokalom, mi pa smo ustvarjati thrash metal riffe. Kadar je prislo do stopnje, ko sem mislil da bomo uspeli, so se ponovno pojavili prepiri in nesoglasja. Predvsem zaradi stila glasbe, ki bi/smo ga igrali. Nekega dne mi je "dopizdilo" in sem vse skupaj poslal v PM. In bend je spet razpadel.
Nekaj casa sem se iskal in se spomnil svojega prijatelja Nicka. Kljub temu, da sem ga enkrat ze odslovil, sem se odlocil ponovno poskusiti. Dobila sva se pri meni, v nasem malem studiu in zacela igrati. Nick je nekaj casa dvomil v to, da bova lahko ustvarila bend, vendar so se najini odnosi izboljsali in mi je ponovno popolnoma zaupal. Zaupanje pa je najpomembnejsi dejavnik za uspeh. Prav tako pa sva pricela z iskanjem basista, kar nam je vzelo ogromno casa in nam preprecilo udelezbo na nastopih. Vmes smo aktivno iskali tudi vokalista. Oglasil se je moj sosolec Alen, ki se je najprej preizkusil kot vokalist. Vendar smo tako mi, kot on ugotovili, da to ni to. Enostavno ni bil dovolj dober. Vendar pa si je zaradi zelje po ustvarjanju glasbe, kupil bas in ojacevalec. Presenetil naju je s svojim hitrim napredkom in koncno smo imeli vse potrebne instrumente. Zacutili smo potrebo po se enem kitaristu. In kot narocen, se je pojavil Nickov prijatelj Simon. Naucili smo se nekaj mocnejsih (tehnicno zahtevnejsih) pesmi in povecali stevilo SOAD-ovih priredb. Imena in pevca se vedno ni bilo, vendar smo se vse bolj priblizevali neki »popolnost«. Nekega dne je Vito, moj in Alenov sosolec, izrazil zeljo po ustvarjanju glasbe. Pa smo si rekli, naj bo. Kljub temu, da smo mocno dvomili, da bo postal klaviaturist, nas je presenetil. Tako je nastala sedanja podoba glasbene skupine SYMBOLIC. Jaz Andrej, Nick, Alen, Simon in Vito smo ime Symbolic izbrali zato, ker glasba za nas ni le zabava, temvec nam pomeni nekaj vec in simbolizira nasa zivljenja.
To je kratek povzetek nase preteklosti in simbol nasega benda (po tem smo nas bend imenovali Symbolic). Svojo prihodnost pa bomo se naprej ustvarjali, vendar nam bo to uspelo le ob vasi pomoci in podpori, dragi obozevalci in obozevalke!
Due to respect to former members of the band we have decided they should remain anonymous. Thank you!
A history of our band goes back to the year 2004 (we were in 8th grade of elementary school), when we first started to talking about forming a band. I Andrej was completing the fifth grade of music school where I learned to play drums. My classmate Nick has just bought himself a guitar back then and started to practice actively. The day after the farewell-party (end of 8th grade) we had our first session and we made a hell of a noise; and my classmate P.G., a former member of the band, has decided to buy himself a bass guitar. Getting a vocalist and a name for the band was all that stood between us and perfection. Due to lack of knowledge and a belief that it is easier to succeed with playing covers of famous foreign songs, we started to play the same. As all three of us were great fans of American band System Of A Down (in further text SOAD), we began to play their songs. Our first covers of SOAD were Darts, ATWA and Sugar. To grant a wish of our bass player we also devoted some time to legendary Nirvana. At that time we had our first public appearance on the first Live Jam festival (Open Smile Jam). Even without vocals and a name of a band the appearance was a success.
However relations within the band soon began to weaken. That happened at the time we started to learn Metallica's song Seek & Destroy. Because of the arguments, disagreements and bad relations we have decided to take a one-year break. During that time Nick devoted himself to his solo career and to gathering more knowledge and experience, while me and P.G. created a new band, which had two guitarists and a singer (due to respect to these members we want them to remain anonymous). We composed three songs that were really to my taste. A vocalist was coming near to exceptional death metal vocals, while we were creating thrash metal riffs. Just as I thought we were near to a success, again arguments and disagreements turned up, mostly because of a style of music we should play. One day the shit hit the fan and I sent everything to hell. And the band broke up again.
After some self-searching I remembered my friend Nick. Even though I already dismissed him once, I was willing to try again. We met at my place in our little studio and we started to play. Nick had doubted for a while in us forming a band, but our relations improved and I regained his full confidence. Confidence is the most important factor when one wishes to be successful. We also began to look for a bass player, which took us a lot of time and prevented us to appear in public. In the meantime we also actively searched for a singer. My classmate Alen wanted to enter a band, at first as a vocalist, but we all knew that would not work out. He just wasn't good enough. But because of his desire for making music, he bought himself a bass and an amplifier. He surprised us both with his quick progress and finally we had all of the needed instruments. Now we felt we need another guitarist and Nick's friend Simon turned out to be a perfect solution right away. We have learned a few powerful (technically advanced) songs and raised a number of SOAD covers. We still didn't have name for our band nor a singer, however we were getting closer and closer to some sort of »perfection«. One day my and Alen's classmate Vito expressed a wish to became a keyboard-player in our band. At first we doubted in him, because he did not show any progression. But then he surprised us and he has learned everything. As I say, I mean everything. That is how music band SYMBOLIC got its form. I Andrej, Nick, Alen, Simon and Vito have chosen the name Symbolic because for us music is more than just fun, it means a lot more to us and it is a symbol of our lives.
That was a short resume of our past and the symbol of our band (after which our band was named Symbolic). On the other hand we still plan to further create our future, but that can only be possible with your help and support, dear fans!
Translated by H.T.
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