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About You...
Age 19
Birthplace Ft. Campbell KY.
Current Location Torii Station Japan
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Height 6..'1
Your fears Dissapointing the ones I love...and being the last one alive
Your weakness My wife
Goal for today Run 8 miles..tell my wife how much I love her!
Goal for this year Make it to the end....get Megan pregnant
Lifetime goal Be happy and raise awesome little warriors
When do you want to get married? I am
and to whom? Megan Nicole Luntz
Ever been in love? ..twice.
Currently in love? HELL YEAH!
Do you think you are attractive? no...not really
Your best physical feature My stomach...but only my wife will see that
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... uhh I AM in japan (yes)
gone skinny dipping... yup yup
been beaten up... yeah just once...and if I find him now...I will F%$k him up
wanted to kill someone... .......
gone a week without MySpace... yes
gone a week without TV... yes
Who's the last person to...
kiss you... My megan
say hi to you... Megan of course
talk to you... and.......megan
What's the last...
Time you cried? The other day....thats right...emo as F#%K
Book you've read? Eragon
Store you've been in? The bx/px
Can you...
Dance? I think I can...But then again I think I can sing too and I suck at that
Speak a differenty language? Watashi wa nihongo ga skoshi wakarimas
Cook? Breakfast stuff and some dinner stuff
Write w/ both hands? alittle but its messy
Whistle? only when I see megan
Finish the line...
If I had a... million dollars
I would build a huge cabin in the woods
So I can retire and live with my wife and kids and snowboard all the time
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I already met her, Megan Nicole Luntz...My wife and my best friend..your a stubborn pain in the ass but I love you.
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts
Dang theres just so many awesome bands going thru my head umm...The used, senses fail, disturbed, blink-182, trivium, panic at the disco, head automatica, thrice, taking back sunday, rolling stones...and all those other old bands....Hawthorne heights..the forecast, killswitch engage, fallout boy, matchbook romance, my chemical romance, crystalix, something coperate, silverstein, spitalfield few and just a ton of good music out there...GO CHECK THESE BANDS OUT if you havent already! Free Myspace Cursors
Grind, out cold,anything with jackie chan and chris tucker...any movie that makes me laugh..but scary movies,war movies....they all rock! And will ferrell!
Afternoon Delight - Anchorman
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I dont really have time to watch tv anymore but simpsons,south park and family guy frick'n rock!
family guy pres. clinton parody
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The dont get more real that that....theres alot of books I read now..
Capt. America...since I AM superman..