Wear your theology on your THEOLOTEE!!! profile picture

Wear your theology on your THEOLOTEE!!!

I am here for Networking

About Me

theology n. the study of the nature of God and religious belief.
Theolotee is a company specializing in message tees for those who believe in and study the nature of the One and Only true God... who loved us so much, He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to this earth, to bring us life eternally with Him!
There are a lot of t-shirts that have a "Christian theme" and some of them look great, but the message is concealed. A word, phrase or acronym that means something biblical, but you have to know the meaning to get it. Many of these companies are branding a name for their Christian apparel, which is very good, better to support those who support Christianity, right?
We also noticed, however, that far too many of them were designed to sell shirts, many times twisting the meaning of the message intended in the scriptures, but not so much that very many notice. Another portion of them ride the coat tails of popular brands, using variations of their logos, company slogans, and advertising hooks, but spinning them to mean something "Christian". Some of these are done with taste and tact, however some are an embarrassment to Christians. Also, there are many others that have a corny graphic with a well intentioned message. As Christians we want to be separate from the rest of the world, but not in the way these shirts separate us. They just miss the mark... by miles at times.
We wish to set ourselves apart at Theolotee. As Christians, we are called to be separate from the world, but we want our separation to be shown where it counts, in the message... God's message.
Our vision is to be a company known for creating apparel products with cutting edge graphics, on trendy, fashionable garments, that contain thought provoking, theologically accurate messages. Our goal is to create the best of all worlds. A garment that you want to wear with a message that you want to send, styled so that you stand out, but only in the right ways.
Check us out at www.theolotee.com
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My Blog

Should Christians Be Wearing Their Message More and Preaching it Less?

I recently read a Gallup Research poll, .. collected prior to this past Easter, that found "79% of Americans currently identify themselves as Christian -- either Protestant, Roman Catholic, or some ot...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 03:49:00 GMT