People who don't see other human beings as things to use if they have a need and to throw away when they don't. People who don't lie, people who don't see kindness as weakness and stupidity, people who actaully do what they say they will, people who are not cowards, people who are trustworthy and respectful. People who truly value friendship, not what they can get from a person when they need it, but their actual friendship. Good people who are kind and sincere. People you can truly believe in and who believe in you, and those people you can trust with your life.
The Departed
Television is not so good unless it's the Speed Channel BBC News or Top Gear.
Kitty (I wear pink Osh Kosh B'gosh, curl my lips in defiance, while I show my oh so big, oh so pretty white baby teeth and my most beautiful of all eyeballs that god ever did make.. and shall well up with my tears of rage, as no hand on my head, shall ever cool me Down! cuz i'm just THAT HOT! and the only reason my head doesn't burst into flame!!!!!! is that it is made of Brick) Holloway. She's my hero! Jesus too.