NightChilde profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am Mystere, I am Golden, I am Kitten and Esprit and Suchin. I am Miette and Rose and Crye; I am Thorn and Secret and Malise. I am Lilith, I am Secret. I am Nisha Secretfire, Mystere de la Nuit, TsubasaQ, SolitaireCross, and Ryuken. I am Tirami-san, Terri, Mama, and Baby. I am Reesie and Pooh and Teresa. I am the Daughter of Darkness and Night, I am Light Incarnate. I am the candle that burns in the darkness, I am the deepest of shadows. I am vampyre, I am human.I am a Nocturnal Pagan, a worshipper of Night and Darkness, a Child of Nyx and Erebus. I am a vampyre, my Need for sexual energy. I am Bloodbound, I am faithful, I am monogamous. I am maternal, caring, warm, and loving.

My Blog

I am SUCH a bitch sometimes.... and I confuse myself to pieces.

I can't believe that I did that this morning.... Sweet Goddess Nyx, where did I learn to be so horrid?! I can't believe I asked him to find someone else. How can I love him as much as I do and wan...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 06:56:00 GMT

GRRRR about roommates

I am about to lose my temper on one of my roommates. I've had this sticky note up over the thermostat pretty much since I've lived here saying not to turn the air conditioner off because the Sam's and...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 20:03:00 GMT

Relationship Revalations

So, I found out just yesterday that, technically, James and I are legally married. Yes! I looked up common law marriage because he had mentioned something about our being spouses by common law, and it...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 20:36:00 GMT


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Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 06:43:00 GMT

moving ain’t easy, y’all

I'm living in Jacksonville now, and in about a week, classes will start and I will officially be a JSU Gamecock. Okay, first of all, what the hell kind of a mascot is a Gamecock? I know what it is, so...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 16:37:00 GMT

I guess you never really know someone...

I hate how people change.I went on vacation and my parents hired my friend, Ashley, to watch our house and dogs while we were gone. We even went and bought her food to make sure she could eat (she wa...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 15:16:00 GMT

Family vacation my pasty white ass

I love how my parents decide - without any input from either me or my brother - that we're going to take "one last family vecation" before I go to college "because it's out last chance to have a real ...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 10:42:00 GMT

After Day of Silence

So, actually, Day of Silence rocked pretty hardcorely.  I got a lot of questions, and a lot of the people thought that what I was doing was cool.  I had my whole Econ class 5th period passin...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 19:55:00 GMT

Senior Entitlement

Okay, you know what frustrates me?  The overbearing sense of entitlement and superiority that a lot of seniors seem to have.  They seem to believe that they are entitled to all the so-called...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:55:00 GMT

So.... my brain sucks

So, basically, this last week of my life sucked.  I had 3 atypical migraines in a week, two of which caused me trips to the ER.  I had two MRIs and MRAs done, two IVs put in the same arm, an...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 17:20:00 GMT