i like to skate, listen to music, draw, read, and go on dates with my girl friends.
house of wax, longest yard, texas chainsaw massicre, and many more that i am not going to name
dont watch much
spy highpwnshop.orgomg i am so bored and i love cheyenne!!!
ARIEL! i love you ariel... you are always there for me when i need you, and no matter what, you still care about me... no matter what i do... you put up with my shit, and are still there when i need you. i respect you and love you with all my heart ariel... dont ever forget that. you are my closest girlfriend, and i never want to lose you. i love you girl.
Tyler!-dooood! ur my best friend. i look up to you and always have. we have been there through hard times and good times, and the good times always seem to make me not give a shit when you piss me off... you are my best friend, and always will be. you stupid girl.
R.I.P. Weston Powell[Aug. 26, 1991-Jun. 3, 2007]
Weston rolls forever.- my greatest hero