Un Parisien qui aimait un peu trop sortir...avec la prohibition je me suis calmé...
Les concerts et les bars...les concerts dans les bars...electro-rock/electro clash/electronica...punk rock...
Boys ,girls that likes to dance,laugh and chill out on the terrasse
Alice Donut -Asian Dub Foundation-Bauhaus -Body count -Boss Hog -causey way -deVotchkaElectrocute -Fugazi -Joy division -Motormark -Nomeansno-Le Tigre-Noir Desir -PJ Harvey -Robots in Disguise -Rocket From The Crypt -The Stooges -The Pixies -Tribe 8-Victims Family -zen guerilla etc....
Fight Club...
ReGenesis/Skins/BSG 2003 etc...
The portrait of dorian Gray/Jane Austen's novels/Brett easton ellis' etc....
Jello Biafra(Dead Kennedys) and Emily Haines