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Ronnie Kay

Myspace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, Layouts

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Myspace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, Layouts

I, Veronica, being of sound mind, hereby bequeath my entire estate to the Town Drunk. I do this because they said if I gave them my stuff I'd go to heaven.

My only regret in this life was that I didn't sin enoungh.

'What will your Last Will and Testament say?' at ..
Get your own countdown at a href="http://www.


And You Are...? (Really fun-to-do, random survey!)
When was the last time you got drunk?: Well let's see, its been several weeks...that so sucks
What's your favorite style of socks?: I like those fuzzy ones
One big gift or a bunch of little gifts?: A bunch of little ones
Have you ever thrown a pair of shoes on a telephone pole wire outside?: Why would I do that???
When is your birthday?: Pretty soon.....getting old
Who's your best friend?: Nikki Jo
Do you like energy drinks?: I haven't ever tried one....seriously
When was the last time you went to a carnival or a fair?: I went to the Tri-State Fair....September
Do you like upside down rollercoasters?: Yes.....they are a blast
Have you ever witnessed/been in a wet t-shirt contest?: I haven't ever witnessed one...would be in one to win money but sadly I am small chested
Hotdogs or hamburgers?: Hotdogs
What's your favorite kind of chips?: Depends on my mood and the food
Have you ever twisted up a swing and then untwisted it and spun around?: Yes, I used to do that back in the day
What was your favorite contraption at a playground when you were a kid?: probably the slides or monkey bars
What's a helix lucorum?: Wow, I hated science
What's your favorite aquatic creature?: Killer Whale
Who's the best teacher in your school?: Back in the day I loved Ms. Coyle
Would you ever eat hufu?: Hufu...WTF is that
How far away do you live from Ontario, Canada?: wow since I am not a map I don't know
Have you ever been to Alaska?: Yes I drove there, 7 days in a car with my brother
Ever drive your car on a sidewalk?: yes, just to try and get in trouble
Would you rather bake brownies or cookies?: cookies
Do you like to make s'mores at a campfire?: yes my kids love them
Who was your favorite power ranger?: Pink Bitch!
What's your favorite flavor coffee?: I like White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks
Do you own a knife?: What kind of knife we talking I got kinds...wanna buy one
Are you pro or against the death penalty?: Kill the Mother F#&@ers
How many scars do you have on your body, that are non-surgical?: wow, too many too count
What is one turn-off of someone you are interested in?: His Race Car
What is one turn-ON of someone you are interested in?: The way he kisses
Do you own a fish?: I kill those, and not even on purpose
Do you think there's other life in the universe?: yes I think there are little green men out there, maybe they are better than these earth guys...beam me up please
Are you afraid of cemetaries?: not really, they are a little creepy though
Ever seen a bar fight?: Oh Hell Ya!!
Do you wear hats/beanies?: I wear baseball hats to hide the bad hair days
Would you rather have a hoodie or a comfy winter coat?: Hoodie
Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed?: Open, I am scared to close it, what will appear on the other side
Are you the type that can sleep anywhere if need be?: Are we talking Drunk or Sober?
What are you mostly addicted to?: That's a tough one....Cigarettes or my ex-husband
Are you supposed to be doing something else instead of this survey?: yes my kid needs to go to bed
Where's the last country you think you'd ever go on vacation to?: Iraq
Have you ever eaten anything that was inside a garbage can?: Hell no, what kind of question is that, I am not a trash digger..well not for food anyway
What will your wedding song be?: weddings thanks
How many times do you say "fuck" a day?: fuck I don't fucking know, what kind of fucking question is that....fuck
What's your most-used swear word?: shit or damn
Do you fear death?: yes....don't want to die then Clay would have to raise my kids....Oh Lord please spare me
Do you go to the beach in the summertime?: Wow you mean that really cool beach at lake meredith......NO
What's your favorite video game?: I like Guitar Hero
Are you currently dating someone?: Yes......I recycle him
Have you cheated on them at all?: Well this one time......then maybe this other...shhh don't tell okay
Have you ever played in a huge mud slide?: Well I have played in mud volleyball does that count
Do you like to play football with your friends?: how about some touch football with some hot guys!!
Do you like big crowds?: They don't bother me
When was the last time you checked the time?: Just now when you asked, thanks
How bored are you, exactly?: well my kid is doing wrestling moves while jumping off the bed....I am entertained
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Veronica's lame comeback line:

"Could you please be anymore dramatic?... No really this is great"

'What is your lame comeback line?' at


My Daddy is my hero....he is the only man I have ever been able to depend on and he has always stood beside me through all of my mistakes......I am a Daddy's Girl