Art, music, travelling, reading, having a good time. wow, thats sounds original.test
people like my fine self
Captain Black, Kings of Leon, Bob Dylan, The Kinks, Jeff Buckley, Buju Banton, The Doors, Vincent Vincent, The Beatles, the Holloways, Jamie T, Mos Def, We Are Scientists, The Coral, Johnny Cash. And more more but it would be silly to list them all.
Stand By Me, Almost Famous, Walk The Line, Brokeback Mountain, I like all of these movies, but don;t really have a favourite
Neighbours all the way. The Sopranos, Law and Order, SATC, Without a Trace, ER, Monk - he's such a dude.
The Collector, Angela's Ashes, Tender at the Bone, Of Mice and Men, To kill a Mockingbird.