What can I say you're not what I expected?- Never Mind that is an inside joke. Anyway I am an 17-year-old high school graduate. I have lived in Whittier California my whole life and I plan to leave soon..and very soon. So more about me= I have many friend: too many to write. (Alicia says that is a fucking lie). Ok thanks! Ok so getting back to subject I have a boyfriend, his name is Aaron Estrada and I have been with him for almost 4 years now. I have had previous flings but this one is *third times a charm* OMG so you probably could never miss me in a crowd because I stand out in many distinguishing ways. (1)My body overflows with overpowering beauty-yeah right!, (2) I am always laughing and (OMG I just got a nose full of wheat burps from Alicia) I like to make people laugh. Ok so if you are wondering more about me hereit is. My hobbies include= Making a jackass of myself, annoying people, laughing hysterically to the point of pissing my pants, and my real hobbies include, hanging with boyfriend and friends, playing video games, crank calling neighborsa and people I know, "Are you gay?""This is Ramero come pick me up from airport!" Anyway I love sports= preferable baseball/softball, and I hate soccer. I plan on having a huge family when I get older and I want to marry Aaron. My secret crushes include Johnny Depp, Elijah Wood, and Toby Maguire. Ok so more about=I know this is allot of worthless crap but my plans for the future include going to Europe, marriage and lots of kids, and going to College and becoming either a teacher, physical therapist, or an author and making big bucks. OK that is me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
My great-grandmother, both my dead grandfather's-who I have never met, my brain, me from my previous lifes, an alien, God, the devil, and maybe my future kids to see what kind of crap I am going to have to put up with, oh yeah and Cleopatra.