Xander Nichting profile picture

Xander Nichting

About Me

I am Xander Nichting, musician, I play a 6-string electric (Jensen) violin. I work in a recordingstudio as a composer and arranger. At the moment I am recording my first solo CD. More details can be found at www.xandernichting.nl

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This video below is the instrumental version of the titlesong of my new upcoming CDHere is a studio session, first takes. I do that to take distance from the music by listening to it later, and make adjustments from that perspective. These are the raw first...I thought I'd add the bluegrass video here too for fun ;)

My Interests


Member Since: 17/12/2007
Band Website: www.xandernichting.nl
Band Members:

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality, two words that both have grown their own way, separate from each other, and at the same time grown extremely close towards each other.This can be experienced if you deal with both wor...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Aug 2009 09:56:00 GMT