Camping, campfires, cookouts, walking,dancing,drive-inns,movies,concerts,civil war, Family tree,church,baking bread, family &friends, art,music, collector of dolls, plates, books, antiques..
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Here for friends only. I meet wonderful man on Date Hook His name is SKIP...We are dating..Its love..I cant see my life with out him.Hope if love is what your looking for I hope you find it.I found love across the road from me. I never thought I would fall in love again. I look forward to seening him every day or almost everyday.
Make Love Letters at
Santana,Celine,Jon secada,The Eagles,The Beach Boys, Bad Company,GrandFunk Railroad, Stevie Nicks,Jay &Americans,Odie Goody music, blues, jazz C&W and Southern Gospel music
The Note Book, Foriegn films,Beach movies James Bond 007
house and Bones
The Note Book, Walk To Remember,magazines
My mother& Dad. May they both rest in peace. Zebulun my son who was in Iraq with Marines. All the service men and women. Firefighters,anyone out htere who is trying to help some one.
RICKIE CHASE EMILEE ETHAN HANNAHA Tribute To Lima Company From Columbus, Ohiofound this candy layout at HOT / MyHotComments