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About Me

My name is Ashlee. Petite. Anxiety. Ballerina. DrummerI'm not one for organized religons so please don't shove your manifestations, beleifs, or comfort down my throat. It's not that I don't belive their could possiably be a "higherpower", "heaven", "God", --"lembo", "hell", "devil" if you will. I do nothing to purposly & simply knock these fathomed ideals.. just in case. It's just the human mind can barly comprehend the brain what makes you think it can understand, things that show no prof of after life?I would be ignorant by saying I lived a harder life than you or that I've seen all there is to see. Truth is someone out there lives a harder life than you and doesn’t complain, truth is no one has ever seen all there is to see because there’s just to much. im content for once in my life and that is the immaculate satisfaction I tell myself everyday. You can always add brighter colors to your painting, but the darkest colors will never fade.I'm somehow trapped in a world where cutting out pictures from magazines , and placing them on your walls convincing yourself in a disorderly fashion that being thin isn't anything less that an understatement, is normal. We strive to be who we have yet to become, and let our minds control our own well-being. We force ourselves into damaged skin, underestimating the way we're really placing ourselves. We feel obligated to be who everyone surrounding us wants us to be, never understanding the true idea of who we are beneath the scars and flesh.Now, I'm not saying that I'm perfect, because I'm not. I'm just saying that I don't mind the idea of suffering, because we all are somehow.

My Interests

Wawa, Ballet, True Friends, The Zoo, Girly Slumberpartys, Adventures, The Beach, Animals, Pictures, Wii, Shows, Festivals, Music, Warmth, Summer Time, Tetris, BRITTANY!
Living My Life
my twin

I'd like to meet:


Home Alone



Chuck Palahniuk
& Dr. Seuss



My Blog

end of nothing

The light looks good againstThe bruises on your cheekAnother medal that you'll have to wear this week
Posted by ashlee on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 06:30:00 PST