→♪kaname•Rail•Kunai♪←© profile picture


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I'd like to meet:

Name: Kaname Rail Kunai
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Date Of Birth: Unknown
Height: 5’6
Skin Pigment: Pale
Hair Colour: Gray/White
Eyes: Normally A Dim Amber

[email protected]


----------------------------------------- UNDER CO.

Name: Layla Von D.
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Female
Date Of Birth: January 14th 1990
Height: 5’6ish
Skin Pigment: Pale
Hair Colour: Strawberry blonde. [That Is RED]
Eyes: Crystal Blue, Sometimes Grey.

[email protected]


----------------------------------------- UNDER CO.
September 10, 2007. 8:55 AM
Current Mood: Tired/Ecstatic

Layla: Ok do you have any idea how excited I am right now :D seriously Fer Supper Shure. I am. Ok, so the night before last I stayed up re-reading all the chapters from the first story I ever actually continued with, and I got really excited about working on it again, so last night I did, and I got two chapters of about 20+ pages per chapter done :D asdfghjkl I haven’t been able to write like that in more than a year. Im so fucking ecstatic! You have no freaking Idea! :DDDD Gawd I’m just totally amazed with myself right now, I’m not saying I’m great BTW but I just am so happy that I could finally write like that again, it is something that I’ve missed for so long, I’m just overwhelmed with happiness. I’m praying to any god there is that it keeps that way and I don’t have another Year+ of not being able to write for shit, because then well I’ll be really pissed D:

I just really can’t get over how excited I am xD but going on, I watched Delta Farce, It wasn’t that great Dx but whatever, who cares about that xD I wrote something worthwhile! :D Omigah! I’m so like omg xD I’m such a loser I swear.

Anyways I’m just waiting right now for my mom to be ready so I can go to my first day of my Senior Year D: Whew scary, mainly because I have a new lead teacher and the school moved, I liked my old teacher ._. I hope this new one isn’t a jackass, but as long as I don’t have that freaking art teacher again, she was a major bitch.

Anyhow, I made myself cry while I was writing they were such depressing chapters XD and hey you have to admit that if I made myself cry and I wrote it, it has to be anime material right? xD no I’m just kidding, but I’d really like for it to be an anime someday I’ve put a lot of work into it, and writing all that tonight has really inspired me to maybe give Writing/creating anime another chance, I had blown it off because I know that business is hard to make it in, and I knew it wouldn’t be a stable job D: I was trying to be responsible, so I decided to go to business school but now I don’t even know =O but yea I’m pretty excited, I’ve been up all night so I probably won’t continue work on my story until, I get some sleep, but! After that I’m surely going to work on it. I think I have Tuesday off then its hell from them on. Ugh.

Ja Ne.

Koi, Layla.


?September 08, 2007? ?9:13PM?
?Current Mood: Tired/Okish /Slightly Stressed. ?

Layla: Well then last night I stayed up way past what I intended but I was Rping with, my favorite RP partner and we don’t get to rp much anymore so it’s ok =] but then both out internet connections started acting up D: so I decided to just go to bed, cause she never got back of ._. It’s quite the travesty.

But any who going on These last few day’s I’ve been watching a lot of movies, like I said on the fifth I took my friend to see Super Bad, then the next day I watched Kickin’ It Old School, and today I watched Georgia Rule, which btw was actually pretty good. =] I’m probably going to watch Delta Farce either tonight or tomorrow, so yea that is about it :D

I haven’t really been playing WoW much though, I might play some tonight I don’t know, plus there are still some quirks I need to work out of my com, it’s such a pain in the ass D: they will get worked out eventually though then I’ll be like “WHEW” also lately I haven’t edited any new pix I guess I just haven’t felt like it or something, ugh,

I’ve also been getting annoyed lately because I use to write all the time and now in days I’ve completely lost my talent for it, back in the day I could write fifty pages of a story in one night, now in day’s I can get four if Im lucky, I don’t know if it has to do with growing up and maturing but it’s pissing me off FER SHURE!

Anyways I finally got a hold of my lead teacher at school, so I start school Monday, but I’m a week behind which is so blah, because once again I’m behind again! It’s truly quite the annoyance, if you ask me anyway. I remember last year when I started in this school I was two weeks behind, and I had to do two weeks’ worth of work in two days D: I nearly die I tell you xD but seriously, I like my school so it’s alright =]

On this other site I get on, I’ve been getting a lot of odd attention from older guys it’s kind of awkward even if I’m used to it, considering the site isn’t really for socializing o_O but that’s for another subject.

Ugh I still need to like clean up my room spotless which sux penis, more than a sixty-nine year old Korean whore.xP inside joke by the way.

Well for now I think that’s all I really have to say, if I get the motivation for it, maybe I’ll clean my room, do some writing, play some WoW, and edit some Pictures, all tonight but that’s a huge dream there D: if anything I might get my room half way cleaned or play WoW for an hour xP anyways I’m off now, well from here I’m still online though:D

Ja Ne

Koi, Layla.


?September 07, 2007? ?4:09 AM?
•Current Mood: Slightly Ok D:•

Layla: Well as You can obviously read It is 4:09 In the morning, I’m still up yes, which is normality for me, though I can’t say I am going to be enjoying work very much later today, but then again do I ever enjoy work? Eh, heh no I do not, lol, but that is bound to happen, when you have a job such as I do, yes all job’s suck, but Jesus Christ my job could make some of the toughest people flip the fuck out xD haha sad but true as they say. =] Thx to my awesomely awesome, friend Athy-chan I finally got my layout how I wanted it, Thx for the help on the codes Athy-chan :D You’re like the uber best, but going on, so yea my layout is ,new and I decided to add a little section for what’s going on, not that anyone would actually go about truly reading it, no one does these day’s it’s all about W4W and “Oh Look I have 16’000 friends.” Fucking A that’s the dumbest thing I have heard in a while, how many of those people do you actually talk to? For one it’s the fucking internet, and it’s MySpace, go get a life, but anyways that is off subject,

Going on, I went to the movies, technically last night, I took my good friend Steph to see Super Bad, because she turned eighteen the day before September Fifth, I got a little like What the hell, because the manager asked me to leave my backpack up front I was like “that’s ghey” though I did not say that in front of him obviously, I was polite about it, but I think that’s the dumbest shit, they never say anything when I bring my shoulder bags but all of a sudden it’s like “Oh my Jesus two straps! TAKE IT AWAY” xDD it’s true though but I was like whatever and said sure, the movie was pretty good too, but didn’t live up to all the hype, but hey how many movies really do right?

I have so much to do, I have to clean my room up, like sparkling clean, because my mom threatened me with my dad over it and I don’t want to deal with that drama, heh funny thing is my room is actually really clean the past few months compared to how it usually is, but WHATEVER I’m not even going to bother stressing about that shit, also I’m trying to get a hold of my lead teacher at school so I can start school, ugh what a pain in the ass but senior year! Whew xD not really I’m so worried I’m going to fuck something up even though last year I got all A’s And B’s it’s still scary in a way. Oh On top of that I have to work to which sucks so extremely bad, they don’t even pay me enough to get out of bed xD seriously for all the shit I have to do they should pay me more at any other job I could do so much less for more money isn’t that some shit, but I’m not allowed to quit due to my parents, It’s kind of sad that job will be my down fall, I mean it’s not healthy to work somewhere that causes you so much stress that it makes you sick D: yes indeed that is how crapy I get treated there there’s always drama, drama, drama every fucking where.

Anyway’s I don’t know when I’ll actually get around to typing up Kaname’s Story, or my whole about me shenanigans but I will eventually, OH I recently started playing WoW Since I finally got my gaming computer, It cost me 800 dollars though ,which took me forever to save because my job is a fucking cunt.

But I ended up typing way more than I had planned so I’m going to stop now lol

Ja Ne.

Koi, Layla – San.OOC:
[Before Reading On, Please Note The These “Regulations” Are Simply A Means Of Guidelines, And Are Also In No Specific Order, So For The Love Of Jesus Christ And All That Is Insane, PLEASE do not message, Comment, Me Bitching, Complaining, In Other Words FLAMEing, for What IS Written Here, I Really Could Care Less What You Think Or What You Have To Say AND, No I’m Not A Snobby Bitch, If You Think That Good For You =] Congratz You Have Been Upset By Something You READ ONLINE! Now who’s The Dimwit Here? Anyway’s Enojy. ]

Ichi.] I Edit Everything On Or In My Page, Unless Stated Other Wise, Steal It And No I Can’t Do Much About It, But It Makes You A Douche, and Everyone Will Dislike You On An Immense Scale, Did I Mention I Know People? xD

Ni.] Any Quotes, Lyrics, Poems EtC On My Page Or Within It, Is Also MINE, Unless Stated Other Wise, So Once Again Read The Above,

San.] I Do Not, And I Repeat DO NOT WHORE FOR WHORE [w4w] Comment For Comment [Cmt4cmt] Picture For Picture [Pc4pc] Original For Original [ORI4ORI] ETC Though On The Rarest Of Occasions She Will Whore, Pix Comment, ETC Someone, If They Happen To Be Her Friend, Or In Exchange For Information. Also If Someone Comments Her, Or Anything She Will Return, The Comment She’s Not a SNOB

Shi.] I Don’t Feel Like Being As They Say Another Number On Your Friends List, Therefore If You Have No Intention Of Talking To Me, Don’t Fucking ADD

Go.] I Only Do Editing For Good Friends, Or If I Happen To Be IN A Good Mood, I Might.

Roku.] I Do Not Date Online Under Any Circumstances, Been There Done That, It’s Basically A Pointless Business, Though I Won’t Say It Can’t Happen OR Rather “Anything Can Happen”

Nana.]Don’t Message Me Asking Me Out, Trying To Start A Sexual RP, Or Trying To Rape Me, I’ll Own ON You So Fucking Hard Your Grandma’s Grandma Will Roll Over In Her Grave, And Also, Refer To Regulation Number one Through Two.

Hachi.] I Absolutely Detest Godmodder’s Of Any Sort, So Don’t Even Try It I’ve Been An Rper For Years I Surely Know The Difference

Kyuu.] Though I Used To Sparr Long Ago I NO Longer Do, So Do Not Try To Start A Spar With Me,

Juu.] Do Not Ask What I Am [SP?=PUNK/GOTH/EMO/ETC] I Don’t Believe In Labels And Doing This Will Only Cease To Annoy Me.

Juu Ichi.] Hatemail/Flamers Are Not A Problem What So Ever, IF You Even Began To Think That MySpace Bulshit Such As That Even Begins To Bother Me Well You’re a Foolish Dimwit Who Obviously Does Not Even Know me And Thus Therefore Does Not Even Have The Right To Be Talking Shit.

Juu Ni.] Don’t Message Me And Then Tell Me To Come Up With A Topic, YOU Messaged Me I Am Not Obligated To Do So.

Juu San.] For God sake Speak Proper English Please. I Can Understand If You Are Foreign, And You Are Still Learning The Language, But “Wasup” “How R U” “Wut R U up 2” Any Of That Is So Arrogant, FUCKING LEARN HOW TO SPELL =]

Juu Shi.] I’m Not A Bitch, I’m Not A Snob, I In No Way Think I’m Better Than Anyone Else, So Shut The fuck Up, I’m A Blunt Person I Don’t Like To “beat around The bush” GET the hell over it!

Juu Go.] I don’t Really Like Abbreviated Crap Much Either, Though I Don’t Mind, ILY/STFU/LOL/ Things Like That. But some things go too far.

Juu Roku.] Yes I Have the Same MySpace for My Chara and for the Real Person, So Your Little Bulshits about No RL Picture’s And All of That Shenanigans’ Because In The End, I Really Don’t Care If You Want To Delete Me, After YOU Added Me Because I Happen To Have A Real Picture Up Get The Fuck Over It, This Is Reality Cunt Grow The Fuck Up.

Juu Nana.] And Lastly For The Time Being, No My Page Is Not Private, Why Would You Want To Add Someone You Know Nothing About? And That Also Adds To The Fact That I Don’t Wish To Be Added If You Haven’t Even Bothered To Read One Bit Of Information On My Page,

[OOC: That Is About All For Now.]