I love... my family, my friends, my boyfriend, music, movies, my car, my kitties!!, drinking, butterflies, green, playing cards, driving aimlessly.
I like everything from hiphop to classic rock.
Green Eyed Lady, Lovely Lady ♥
I like almost everything.. I love movies.
Will and Grace, King of Queens, Eagles football, anything on TLC or about home renovations, game shows (GSN)
Hmm.. no thanks =)
My mother: for being the strong person I know she is.
R.I.P. Mimi - We all love you so much and you will be missed by everyone, you touched so many people's lives. You will be in our hearts forever.
R.I.P. Mikey, I love you! Say hi to everyone up there for me and I'll see ya when I see ya.
R.I.P. Granddad, I hope it's peaceful up there for you and I hope the big man is taking care of you