Kimberly Vulpis-Born in Neptune, New Jersey and raised in Holmdel, New Jersey. Daughter of John and Christine Burger. Her musical background includes musicals and plays during her Junior High School days. Her major influences are her parents John, plays guitar and sings, and Christine, plays piano and sings. Her fondest memories as a child are sitting in front of the fireplace with her parents singing folk tunes from the 60's and 70's. She attended vocal lessons with Nancy Sharriff, an accomplished Christian Vocalist, at the King of Kings church in Middletown, NJ.
Joey Vulpis-Born in Brooklyn, New York and moved to Middletown, New Jersey at the age of 8. Son of Dominick and Dorian Vulpis. His musical background includes various Hard Rock and Metal bands throughout his teen years and taking numerous music theory classes and courses during his teen years. His Great Grandfather was Jack Egan better known as "Happy Jack Egan", a famous composer in the United States and Europe. Check out Happy Jack Egan History for some cool info. Joey was a guitar and music theory teacher for 3 years, introducing music and its fundamentals to kids in the Monmouth County, NJ area.
Craig Eddy-Bio will be up soon!
Untamed Desire-Born in Red Bank, New Jersey in 2000, they started playing at open mic nights at the Internet Cafe on West Front St. Eventually booking gigs at other local coffee houses. A few months into coffee house gigging they were approached by numerous agents, which in turn booked them for larger shows at venues including The Stone Pony, Birch Hill, The Saint, Fastlanes, Images and The Spiral Lounge. They were featured in The Asbury Park Press and the Atlanticville newspapers which ran articles on how they came to be and a CD/Demo review. They had short radio airplay for a Stone Pony show promotion and were approached by a few movie producers ,that heard them on the air, for musical background in mainstream films. Check out their blogs for the newspaper articles.