About Me
Leta 1984 se je zbralo pet mladih, ki so želeli, tako kot mnogi njihovi vzorniki, ustanoviti svojo skupino.
Bili so dovolj zagnani, verjeli vase in zaÄeli vaditi, vaditi in Å¡e enkrat vaditi.
Prvi nastopi so bili bolj ali manj lokalni, saj takrat nihÄe od Älanov ni imel vozniÅ¡kega dovoljenja, kaj Å¡ele avtomobila.
Pa vendar- nabirale so se izkuÅ¡nje, pa tudi prve avtorske skladbe, ki pa so že na zaÄetku skupino usmerile v rock, ki mu je ostala zvesta Å¡e danes.
Imena skupine so se takrat menjavala iz takih in podobnih razlogov, v letu 1990 pa se je uradno poimenovala po grškem bogu Zeusu.
Svoje prve studijske izkuÅ¡nje so Älani zaÄeli nabirati v januarju 1990, ko so posneli svojo prvo avtorsko skladbo Moja pot.
V letih 1991 in 1992 so posneli Å¡e pet skladb, in jih zaÄeli predstavljati po radijskih postajah po Sloveniji. Koncerti so se vrstili, izkuÅ¡nje nabirale in zato je padla ideja o prvi ploÅ¡Äi.
Želja se jim je uresniÄila tri leta pozneje, ko so posneli in izdali prvenec PolnoÄ z osmimi skladbami, ki so se kar pridno vrtele po radijskih postajah.
Kmalu po izidu ploÅ¡Äe pa so fantje dobili priložnost pokazati svoje znanje tudi na Tv Slovenija, v oddaji Roka rocka so v živo nastopili s skladbo Daj povej.
Od leta 1997 do leta 2000 je vladala v skupini rahla kriza, saj so se vrstile zamenjave Älanov, ki so hoteli skupino » pripeljati na pravo pot ».
S prihodom Sebastjana na basu in Grega za mikrofon, se je stanje zopet normaliziralo, in kar kmalu so zaÄeli vaditi skladbe za drugi album.
Album Pozabiti tebe je izÅ¡el novembra 2001, na njem sta bila tudi dva velika hita Pridi nazaj in Friss, za katera sta bila posneta tudi videospota. Skladba Friss, ki je priredba Prince-ove Kiss, je kar nekaj mesecev odmevala iz vseh radijskih in tv postaj, obe skladbi sta se uvrÅ¡Äali tudi na vrhove lestvic.
Koncerti so se vrstili- tudi po dva na dan, pa vendar se je Grega odloÄil, da gre na svoje in da bo ustanovil svojo skupino.
Avdicija- izbrali so Majo, ki je pokazala najveÄ.
Sledilo je snemanje tretje ploÅ¡Äe, skladba Polarni sij, za katero so posneli videospot, je bila zelo dobro sprejeta tako med radijskimi in tv uredniki, kot pri posluÅ¡alcih in obiskovalcih koncertov.
Polarni sij so predstavili tudi na izboru za Miss Universe, kjer so v sodelovanju s skupino Magic fire, pripravili nepozaben nastop.
Ker so si želeli pobliže pogledati festivalsko zakulisje, so se prijavili na 10. jubilejni festival Fens 2005, kjer so s skladbo Vse in Å¡e malo veÄ zmagali, Marko pa je dobil tudi nagrado za najboljÅ¡e besedilo festivala
PloÅ¡Äa Eurynome, katere ime so izbrali obiskovalci spletne strani, je izÅ¡la decembra 2006. ZaÄeli so s pospeÅ¡eno predstavitvijo po radijskih, tv postajah in na koncertih.
Prvi natis je bil razprodan, sledil je ponatis.
Sledil pa je tudi hladen tuÅ¡, po novem letu sta Sebastjan in Maja sporoÄila, da odhajata.
Za skupino sicer nerazumljiva poteza, pa vendar.
Priredili so avdicijo, na katero se je javilo presenetljivo veliko kvalitetnih basistov in pevk.
Izbira je bila težka. Izbrali so Particijo in Primoža in nadaljevali s polno paro.
Do sedaj so posneli pet skladb za novi- Äetrti album s katerega so izÅ¡l trije singli - NoÄ pred tabo, Tvoja senca in najnovejÅ¡i Industria.
Back in 1984 five young enthusiasts established a local band, just like many of their role models. Motivation was high enough for guys to believe in themselves, so they began to practice and practice and practice! Gigs at the beginning were more or less on local bases and the reason was very simple and straightforward: no member had a driver's license yet and none of them had a car of their own. Anyway the band was picking up experiences along gigs and very soon some of the earliest copyrighted songs were recorded, which placed the band into the rock music sphere. The name of the band varied until 1990 when the band was officially named Zeus by the Greek mythological god of all gods. In January 1990 the band recorded their first song called "Moja pot" (My way). In 1991 and 1992 five more song were recorded and they made their debut appearances on local as well as national radio stations across Slovenia. With time and concerts passing by, the band members started to think about recording their first album. The wish became a reality three years later, when their debut album named "PolnoÄ" (Midnight) was released. Eight songs were placed on the album, many of them already with enviable mileage live on stage and on the air. After releasing the album the opportunity came for the band when they were invited to perform live on the television music show Roka rocka. The song, titled "Daj povej" (Come on, say it…) was performed live on the air. From 1997 to 2000 the band got into the moderate crisis regarding some members who put too much of their own ego in front of the team spirit (team spirit is the thing by which the band is still known today) and therefore had to leave the band. When Sebastjan as bass player and Grega as lead singer joined the band, the situation stabilized again for some time. This mark of the band created new, fresh material for the second album "Pozabiti tebe" (Forgetting you). The album was released in November 2001 with two major hits, "Pridi nazaj" (Come back) and Friss. The videos were also shot for these two songs. The song Friss is the arrangement of Prince's mega hit Kiss and was translated to Slovenian language. The song was very well accepted and peaked number 1 on many Air play charts for several months. The concert seasons of that time were remarkable, but clashes within the band eventually led to disbandment of lead singer Grega, who later founded his own band. New audition was set, new lead vocal was invited into the band. This time it was female. Band chose one of the audition attendees, named Maja. Recording of their third album soon began and the song "Polarni sij" (Aurora), one of the band's greatest hits, was released and soon after release the video was shot for this song. It was well accepted on TV's and radio stations, by listeners and by live audience. The band also performed Polarni sij at the "Miss Universe Slovenia for Miss Universe World" pageant and it was one of the band's rare playback appearances as the band was an it still is very reluctant to perform any other way than live. At that show the band teamed up with group called Magic fire and brought up an amazing show. Merely out of curiosity the band applied on the festival FENS '05 (festival of the new music scene in Koper) and was the overall winner of the festival with the song "Vse in Å¡e malo veÄ" (All and a little bit more"). Marko, the drummer of the band, also won the award for the best lyrics of the festival. Album Eurynome, the name was selected by web page visitors, was released in December 2006. Soon the wheels of album promotion were in full motion, on TV's, radio stations and live in concerts. First edition of the album was sold out and the band rereleased another 500 copies of it. The beginning of 2007 however was turning very blue for the band and the trouble couldn't come at the worse time. Differences of opinions gave Sebastjan and Maja no choice but to leave Zeus. This was very unreasonable and inconvenient event for the band, however, they didn't rest at all. They arranged another audition for lead singer and bass player and a nice number of quality vocalists and bass players attended. Patricija and Primož were invited to join the band and the new mark of the band soon "lifted off" with full throttle. By now this mark of the band recorded five songs for the new – forth album from whom which three singles were already released and aired – "NoÄ pred tabo" (The night ahead of you), "Tvoja senca" (The shadow of yours) and the current singe being aired, "Industria".