Louis Vuitton anything. Gucci, Dior & Fendi Bags. Chanel, Versace, Tom Ford & Gucci sunglasses. High heel sandals (3" & above only). Deep conversations. The beach @ night. Stars (Especially shooting stars, huh, Regina!!). The Moon. Pilates. Yoga (Meditating relaxes me!). Flirty skirts (Yep, that's all I wear). Booby shirts (halter, tank tops or halter tops). ;-) French pedicures & manicures (I don't do the fake tips anymore). My pink nintendo DS & My Wii. (Yes, I'm a gamer!). Chocolate (milk, white or dark. depends on my mood). Chocolate covered gummy bears (only red & white). Red vines only (I hate Twizzlers!) Tortilla chips & spicy salsa. Seafood & medium steaks (rib eye, porterhouse, t-bone, or skirt).
Just genuine people with big hearts. People who like to laugh and smile. People who are open-minded. People who appreciate everything that life has to offer. People who can smile just knowing that they're are still here living a fabulous life.
Never live a life filled with "What ifs," "What could have beens," and "Should have dones." Life is too short to be looking to the past wishing that you have made a different decision. You are who you are because of the path you chose. Just live your life to the fullest because tomorrow could be your last!
Please, refer to my iPhone & my iPod for my favorite songs. Slow Jams. Reggae (Thank God, it's comin' back!!). R&B. Neo-Soul LOVE! Erykah Badu. Old school Hip-Hop (the new shit they play is definitely not poppin').
80s Movies! Chick flicks...Duh! I am a hopeless romantic, so I like to watch those cheesy love stories.
I admit I am guilty of being a reality show junkie. Pretty much that fills up my DVR. Weeds. Dexter. CSI (I love all of them). Big love. Prison Break. Heroes!
The Celestine Prophecy. The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision (Celestine Prophecy). Chick Literature. Shopaholic Triology. Anything written by Jane Green, Emily Giffin, Sophie Kinsella (Madeleine Wickham), Sarah Mlynowski, Meg Cabot, Mariah Keyes, etc. Too many to name.
My Ate. Loves her. She definitely inspires me to make the best decisions in life and always does what she can do to help others. I could not imagine my life without having her to turn to! I miss her so much! I hate that we live so far apart. =*( I miss our heart-to-heart conversations.