Cuban Corndog profile picture

Cuban Corndog

I am here for Friends

About Me

Lisa;; I'm basically A Lozer
I ♥ Pop tarts ! They're heaven in a wrapper. How many do I buy a day you ask? Today was 9. Yesterday was 6. Tomorrow will be 8. They are a daily source of Nutrition and Happiness! Read the lable- its made with REAL Fruit. Chyea- Its Basically
I'm quite disorganized- Practically all of my socks are missing the other one, so I'm forced to mix and match- For the past like 5 nights my pj's consited of a pinguin top and paw print bottoms. Its sin to some- but unorganization makes getting dressed wicked easy!
I&&LOVE the 1920's-1980's!
Quiz me, quiz me on anything! I practically grew up on music that my grandparents listened to. Most would think its dumb or just too old, but golly jeepers. My entire first movie collection consisted of movies that were made during the first invention of technicolor! Chyea, the olden days were the golden days!
Music- Although over 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Americans share the same passion and love for it- Its mine 2. If you really knew me, you'd know that- I play the piano, a lil guitar, and 1 note on the violin Music is a large part of me and my life- It sustains me, and w/ out it I wouldn't be Lisa
I wouldn't be Lisa without Ryan. He is one of the most encouraging and Amazing Human beings I have ever met. For the Past year and 1/2 I've gotten to know him and Love him...I'm so blessed by everything about him- He is truly my best friend, and one of the most important people in my life- he litterally looks past all of my bad, and concentrates on all the good. I don't know what my life would be like without him- Ryan, I Love You
She is my best friend, and she is so amazing...What life would consist of without her, idk. I'd possibly never smile- She is- Beautiful, no matter what she thinks. She is a Maggot, a Jan, a Purple creature, A stalker, a Skipper, a Blonde, Whatever- BOBA, && My Best Friend:
I write- I find that I cannot express my feelings on command So I take my Ticondaroga pencil and I write- I was quite upset when I only received a C on my composition research paper- But writing like music, is something that I enjoy- I've written a novel that acutally no1 knows about- so shhhh!
I go to school Yes, I Love it- I just recently attending St. Petersburg Collegiate High School- and I've met some amazing teens- I Love You Guys! 1 disadvantage- I cannot study in OASIS!
I've met some AMAZING individuals at target! Yes unfortunately I work there- it is super tough and quite stressfull! But the friends I've made there make it worth it! I love You all!
I have mad card skills
Che , Che, Check it out
Peace , Love , & Gap
----------------------------------------------------------- Lisa;;

This is For Ryan Shults: I Love You
And This Is for My Best Friend Megan:
Evidence of Target AbuseMySpace Profile Editor MySpace

My Interests

Music is Essential-
Its Life-
Its Lisa-
It combines my favorite elements and pasions. It is quite the norm for a major and many-a people share the same love and destiny as I. I do not stand out amoung this crowd. But it does no lessen my Love for chord progressions, scales, tonics, octaves, arpageios, basically- Music

Its been 2 years and 8 months since I first laid eyes on this boy. After one year and eight months of dating- I have finally realized that he is my soulmate. I Truly love him with all of my heart. He is the completion and happiness that I've been looking for. Without him- There is NO Lisa. Just his smile alone can make my small and fragile heart skip many-a beats. There is no one in the entire world who makes me feel as beautiful and important as he does.
Even during a month of hardtimes, he stuck with me, always taking the blame, and always loving me unconditionally. Where would I be without him? I wouldn't be without him.

I'd like to meet:

.:Sean Michel:.

My Boyfriend
My Hero
The Love of My Life, and my Soulmate.


If You Subtract Them From Me You Get =Nothing=
Can You Count This High?


Empty Earplugs

NOT Scene

Da Bear

Devin Devin Devin


Asked Me to Hold His Penis


Sammie's Man

Chicken Noodle Soup

Crack Provider

Yeah Boy!

Loser Much?


I want Ice Cream

The Rest of the Equation
They're View On Lisa

If You Subtract Them From Me You Get =Nothing=
Can You Count This High?


Empty Earplugs

NOT Scene

Da Bear

Devin Devin Devin


Big Sexy


Sammie's Man

Chicken Noodle Soup

Crack Provider

Yeah Boy!

Loser Much?


I want Ice Cream

The Rest of the Equation


MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC Music is my life, its my passion and my gift.
Landon Pigg
Red jump suit apparatus
The fray
The Early Years
The Shins
The View
I'm from Barcelona
The White Stripes
The Junior Varsity
Matt Turner
Matthew Jay
Ronnie Day
Panic at the disco (yes i admit it)
The Raconteurs
The fold
Postal service
Hot hot heat
Modest mouse
And many others, if ya
wanna know my other favorites, ask...


Thoroughly Modern Milie
Kill Bill 1 & 2
The Breakfast Club
Ferris Beulers Day off
Pirates of the Carribian 1 & 2
The illusionist
Little Miss Sunshine
The Blue Lagoon
King Arthur
The Science of Sleep
The Last Kiss
Pursuit of Happyness
We Are Marshall
The Fountain
Saw 1, 2 & 3
Final Destination 1, 2 & 3
Stranger than Fiction
Tammy and the Doctor
Half Nelson
The Chronicles of Narnia


The Office
My Name Is Earl
Prison Break
Wheel of Fortune
Lets Make a Deal
American Idol


I dont like to read....


Try with all my might- I will never compare to
Ryan Shults
He is my hero-
Everything about him is Amazing-
He is my Everything
I Love Him SO much
~I Could say it over 105 Times~

My Blog

Why I Can't Drown

Why I Can't DrownMy Name is Lisa Marie Firth Fountain. I'm sorry. But you do not know me.My one biggest pet peve is when people assume. Judge. Basically when anyone takes a thought and says to themsel...
Posted by Cuban Corndog on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 03:55:00 PST


Photography   I'm begining to like the realms of the photography world and the credentials that follow such a talent. Therefore, I would like to be one who has the creativity to capture the so...
Posted by Cuban Corndog on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 03:16:00 PST


Accused   You don't even know me. You don't wear my chains. Do I need to start again? I do not understand. I simply do not. Why would I lie to the only person in life that completes me? The ...
Posted by Cuban Corndog on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:40:00 PST

Problem Potion .9

Problem Potion #9     My Problem begins here- When a guy is taken, he is taken. So why is it that when another girl likes this guy and he knows it, he tries to keep this other girl ...
Posted by Cuban Corndog on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 06:14:00 PST

How Many More Nights?

How Many More Nights   How many more nights will I cry myself to sleep? How many more nights will I fret because I cant be everything I want? How many more nights will I worry because...
Posted by Cuban Corndog on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 08:28:00 PST

I Can't Find Belief

  I Can't Find Belief- I looked over my shoulder I didn't see a thing Is time simply getting older? Or is that just how it seems- Simple seems so rough And Love just seems so fair Destiny finds n...
Posted by Cuban Corndog on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:37:00 PST

I Read a Book About A Boy Named Ryan

I Read a Book About A Boy Named Ryan It wasn't a complicated book. In fact, it only consisted of 18 chapters and an introduction. The table of contents had been torn out, so I wasn't sure what follow...
Posted by Cuban Corndog on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 07:18:00 PST

How to be scene!

How to be Scene:First and foremost, your AIM screen name should be some rad song title and/or lyric. Remember, the more x's you have in it, the more scene you are.Next, go buy yourself some girl's jea...
Posted by Cuban Corndog on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 11:36:00 PST

Don't Stare Part Duex

Don't Stare Part Duex So I don't feel like I convinced you enough that pictures of men gauking at their computer screens met the requirements for pedofile status- well Lookey here... http://i33.photob...
Posted by Cuban Corndog on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 04:05:00 PST

Don't stare

Don't stare So I've concluded that anyone who has a myspace default picture that shows them sitting watching their computer screen is in fact: a pedofile. Look at it this way, #1: I don't know ...
Posted by Cuban Corndog on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 11:50:00 PST