I am currently pursuing a career in education. I want to teach high school theatre. Right now I'm teaching drama at a private school called Master's Academy in Dahlonega, GA. I'm also taking education classes at Brenau University while I'm doing teaching field experiences at North Hall High School and substituting for the Dawson & Hall County school districts. On top of all that, I'm a cashier at Target in Gainesville, GA! Out of all this, you'd think I wouldn't have any time to myself. But you'd be wrong! I actually have a lot of free time, but I don't go out much. Not that I don't want to. I'd love to do things, but I feel a responsibility to do homework and stuff like that and most of my friends have started going down their own paths in life. That leaves me here in this uncertain path until I can establish a new repitoire of friends to hang out with and confide in. So, if you're doing something fun, count me in!
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