Abrew MC profile picture

Abrew MC


About Me

2007 - The Year of Travel (South America, North America, Israel, Europe)
Will be home by September.
If you like pretty photos, particularly those of me, then let me know so I can start sending them to you.
I hope I have properly answered the About Me question. If not, I encourage you to leave your hatemail here!

My Interests

Body boarding, live music, writing, photography, other media production, traveling, clowning around..

I'd like to meet:

Me in 30 years (just so I know whether to keep trying) and you (so I know whether to accept or deny you as my friend).


I used to only listen to music that satisfied two components: 1) Female 2) X neighbour's or home and away star. However, since watching FHM's music channel on Sky London, I have progressed my musical tastes to songs with hot chicks in film clips. My absolute favourite musicians and artists include Christina, Nelly Furtado, Gwen Stefani, Holly Valance, most African-American rappers, and, when feeling a little disgusting, Madonna.


I 3 Huckabees, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, fight club, Clueless


The Chaser, South Park, Drawn Together, Lost.. These are a few of the television shows that have broken the mold of a pretty pathetic medium. Idol and Big Brother - Case in Point.


Life of Pi, because I like similies like fat people like pies and Marching Powder because I nearly got arrested taking photographs outside of Bolivia's infamous San Pedro Prison.


Lord Man (My Alter-Ego)

My Blog

My Experience Overseas... so far

My attempt to keep an online journal, while travelling overseas, was brutally vandelised by alcohol, drugs, people, places and good times. Here is a quick cap of each major continent or country I have...
Posted by Abrew MC on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:16:00 PST