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Caroline Walters

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Caroline Walters

Caroline's Blog Posted on the Bulletin Nov 10, 2006 1:32 AM

WHAT IS SOUND NUMBERS ANOMALY?One of our friends in EarthEyEs "Jesus Makes The Shotgun Sound" sent an e-mail re: "What is sound numbers anomaly?"… sound numbers? Well, it's not what you think it is… like the sound of music or the sound of a gunshot. These are the unusual outline of binary string numbers… these are not binary numbers in computer on base 2 nor the strings in quantum field theory. Sound numbers is the very essence in the Stykmath. Here, the universe has 3 spaces and 12 dimensions. There is no time/ time travel, no black holes, no big bang, no speed of light, no expanding/ contracting bubbles or baby bubbles (looks like they really nEEd mOrE sEx, isn't it?… lol). Anyway, why binary? Why not singular or triplex? Beyond the 3rd dimension, only binary numbers can be computed and equated, it's like having 1 and the anti-1 or matter and the anti-matter! It is so very complex that the sound numbers from the 4th to 12th dimension are unimaginable, mystifying and vivid. To make it easier to understand the sound numbers in 3-dimensional space… let's start from the very beginning, a very good place to start… when you read you begin with A B C, when you sing you begin with Do Re Mi, and when you add you begin with ARiTHMeTiC.say: n = n. n + n = 2n n – n = 0 n / n = 1 n x n = n(square)in sound numbers- say: n = nn + n = n n – n = n n / n = 0 n x n = n(infinite)Well, I think this is all for now. Let's keep on rocking and multiply our music in sound numbers so that we can have an iNFiNiTe MuSiC.XOn(i)

Caroline for today: How big is the universe?A quasar consists of billions of trillions of galaxies in bena-space of the gyrex. Our milkyway is just one of those billions of trillions of galaxies in hylo-space of a quasar. There are billions of trillions of gyrexs in aia-space of the universe. Also, there are multiple dimensions/ spaces in the multiple universes.SO BiG!… isn't it?

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