The Lion, the Wolf, and the Ande profile picture

The Lion, the Wolf, and the Ande

'the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold'

About Me

Chillin' I'm never bored. I come from a fairly sheltered life, and have never really had to worry about much. I have always had it pretty easy, though I was never totally spoiled. Sometimes it seems like i'm full of myself or lost in my own world, but that's just a product of doing that which enables me to vanquish boredom. Though i'll usually never admit it, I cherish my friends and fam. There are, as well, times when I feel scared, lonely, intimidated, and...lost. It's like i'm a frieghtened deer in the shell of a herculean body. In fact sometimes after a hard day of beatin' people up, stealin' their lunch money, and usin' apostrophe's instead of a "g" at the end of words, I cry. This profile was edited with The CricketSoda Myspace Editor

My Interests

writing songs, Street riding, painting, being with a girl, cool, animals:blue whales, flying squirrels, etc... Music recording, Hip Hop,Concerts, gothic romantic surreal reflection,ramps and dirt jumps, kiss, anime movies & stuff, chillin', rams, haple, biggie*rest in peace*,isis, f-zero 1990-2004, motorcyles, vampires, Underground, witches, electric word life..., the natural world ,

I'd like to meet:

riding bikes mboro

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That one group with all those vibrating frequencys. You know that girl with the beautiful nice voice! Ya, and that stuff that's just real layyyyied back & Lucky Boys Confusion, Debbie Gibson, Robert Johnson, Savage Garden, R. Kelly, Bach, They Might Be Giants, Concrete Blonde, Thrice, Erasure, Prince, Beanie Man, Savage Garden, Cody Chestnut, Micheal Jackson, Encephala, Donna Lewis, Bangles, Baaba Maal, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Pizzicato Five, Mozart, Arrested Development, Paganinni, Celine Dion, Marvin Gaye, The Get Up Kids, Coheed & Cambria, Toby Mac, bjork, At the Gates, Jimmy eat world, Beethoven piano sonatas! Snonen Knife, Shiny Toy Guns, Snoop DOGG, Robert Miles, Depeche Mode, Dashboard Confessional, Radiohead, Carla Bruni, Tsunami Bomb, Paul Simon, AVe, Johnny Cash, All American Rejects, Robert Miles, Flogging Molly, Postal Service, The Roots, Darren Hayes, Relient K, The Smiths, Angels in the Airwaves, The Emerson String quartet, Mae.


The Never Ending Story, Life Aquatic, Edward Scissor Hands, Episode III, Mad Max trilogy!!!, Under the Cherry Moon, Donnie Darko, Robin Hood (disney version), Predator, El-Hazard, Star Wars, The Royal Tennenbaums, Cowboy Bebop, Indianna Jones, Friday, PQOD, The Little Devil Video, standpoint, mutiny, Frida, Pirates of the Carribean, Whale Rider, Mononoke Hime,Spirited Away, Nausicaa, Unforgiven, AVP, Napoleon Dynamite, Pirates of the Caribbean (both)


Will&Grace, House, So you think you can dance


Spring Snow, Hyperspace, Ancient evenings, Davinci Code, Angels and Demons, Everything is Illuminated, Alice in Wonderland, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Big Sleep, Faust, The Little Price,The Book of the Dead, Lord of the Rings, The Elegant Universe, ChoasThe hottest thing
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Robin Hood, Snoop Dogg, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Dali, Edwin Delarosa, My Fam, Prince, D-Rok, Debbie, Kurt Cobain, Everyone at Stixters house including Jaysons bitchass, Josh&Ann, Alayas my bitch, All the Winchester riders Jeremy, Keegan, Justin, Brian,
Eric B, Charlie, Where's charlie?!? N.ate flippin untouchable, The charlotsville crew paul, jeremy, megan. Liz*un-ko*Blanton, Kaplan has geniune pefect pitch!!!, my meredith anime babe, They might be Jenn! Yay!, Shane, Micheal, Lucus, Enricke, Luke, bradben, Derrick, All the Murfreesboro/sixth avenue kids, Vladimir Horowitz, Dr. Dre, Cory Martinez, FBM, Emmy, Adam whom I owe my life, Cheyann

My Blog

A poem about my cat Rams

Crispy and crunchystepping on soft snowa quite foreston a winter hillsomewhere miles awaysomeone enjoys a cozy fireplace...
Posted by The Lion, the Wolf, and the Ande on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 07:50:00 PST

6 facts about me

  Tag (Body Spray for Sick Cats) Current mood: a little benumbed So, I've been tagged by Jenn to list 6 random facts about myself which may or may not be totally uninteresting, po...
Posted by The Lion, the Wolf, and the Ande on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 12:19:00 PST

We went to war and survived, but we killed

We went to war and survived, but we killed every rail in the way! Lucas, Shane, and myself went on the best rail mission of our lives. This will forever be known as the Valetines day massacre. Riding ...
Posted by The Lion, the Wolf, and the Ande on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 10:47:00 PST

tactile conjunction

There was once a depot where a phantasmogorical cast of creatures got together and did the things that gave to movies and books their meanings. Sometimes they would just sit at the station and watch t...
Posted by The Lion, the Wolf, and the Ande on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 10:41:00 PST

Michio Kaku streaming

visit: mp;id=395&Itemid=42 ,and listen on Micio Kaku's radio program 'exploration's in science' every wedsenday from 5-6pm (eastern)!...
Posted by The Lion, the Wolf, and the Ande on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST