writing songs, Street riding, painting, being with a girl, cool, animals:blue whales, flying squirrels, etc... Music recording, Hip Hop,Concerts, gothic romantic surreal reflection,ramps and dirt jumps, kiss, anime movies & stuff, chillin', rams, haple, biggie*rest in peace*,isis, f-zero 1990-2004, motorcyles, vampires, Underground, witches, electric word life..., the natural world ,
riding bikes mboro
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My buds and I @the cliffs! Drew in gainer modeMInI VId 1...
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That one group with all those vibrating frequencys. You know that girl with the beautiful nice voice! Ya, and that stuff that's just real layyyyied back & Lucky Boys Confusion, Debbie Gibson, Robert Johnson, Savage Garden, R. Kelly, Bach, They Might Be Giants, Concrete Blonde, Thrice, Erasure, Prince, Beanie Man, Savage Garden, Cody Chestnut, Micheal Jackson, Encephala, Donna Lewis, Bangles, Baaba Maal, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Pizzicato Five, Mozart, Arrested Development, Paganinni, Celine Dion, Marvin Gaye, The Get Up Kids, Coheed & Cambria, Toby Mac, bjork, At the Gates, Jimmy eat world, Beethoven piano sonatas! Snonen Knife, Shiny Toy Guns, Snoop DOGG, Robert Miles, Depeche Mode, Dashboard Confessional, Radiohead, Carla Bruni, Tsunami Bomb, Paul Simon, AVe, Johnny Cash, All American Rejects, Robert Miles, Flogging Molly, Postal Service, The Roots, Darren Hayes, Relient K, The Smiths, Angels in the Airwaves, The Emerson String quartet, Mae.
The Never Ending Story, Life Aquatic, Edward Scissor Hands, Episode III, Mad Max trilogy!!!, Under the Cherry Moon, Donnie Darko, Robin Hood (disney version), Predator, El-Hazard, Star Wars, The Royal Tennenbaums, Cowboy Bebop, Indianna Jones, Friday, PQOD, The Little Devil Video, standpoint, mutiny, Frida, Pirates of the Carribean, Whale Rider, Mononoke Hime,Spirited Away, Nausicaa, Unforgiven, AVP, Napoleon Dynamite, Pirates of the Caribbean (both)
Will&Grace, House, So you think you can dance
Spring Snow, Hyperspace, Ancient evenings, Davinci Code, Angels and Demons, Everything is Illuminated, Alice in Wonderland, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Big Sleep, Faust, The Little Price,The Book of the Dead, Lord of the Rings, The Elegant Universe, ChoasThe hottest thing
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Robin Hood, Snoop Dogg, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Dali, Edwin Delarosa, My Fam, Prince, D-Rok, Debbie, Kurt Cobain, Everyone at Stixters house including Jaysons bitchass, Josh&Ann, Alayas my bitch, All the Winchester riders Jeremy, Keegan, Justin, Brian,
Eric B, Charlie, Where's charlie?!? N.ate flippin untouchable, The charlotsville crew paul, jeremy, megan. Liz*un-ko*Blanton, Kaplan has geniune pefect pitch!!!, my meredith anime babe, They might be Jenn! Yay!, Shane, Micheal, Lucus, Enricke, Luke, bradben, Derrick, All the Murfreesboro/sixth avenue kids, Vladimir Horowitz, Dr. Dre, Cory Martinez, FBM, Emmy, Adam Krier...to whom I owe my life, Cheyann