Mistwraith &copy profile picture

Mistwraith &copy

About Me

It emerges...
Out from the North comes a malignant entity, extending its tendrils across the lands, draining the very essence of that which it dost encounter to feed the insatiable thirst of this incorporeal affliction upon the planet...or so 'twouldst seem.
In actuality, 'tis unwittingly being controlled by an even greater force, which itself actualises through varied mediums, the only mundanely perceivable of which is archetypal dominance over certain individuals through varied aspects, with one such individual becoming exalted and acting as a direct oracular and, at times, physical representation of its will.
This being itself is archaic beyond comprehension, but its conduit is ensnared within the microcosms of which it is portrayed. Certain fragmented shards invade his thoughts, coincidences and hallucinations torment his waking moments, becoming a perpetual insidious gnawing at the frayed edges of his perception. But slowly, inexorably, these epiphanies and apparitions lead him ever onwards; vaguely aware of the magnitude of his actions, yet too embroiled 'twixt the complexities of both his own Urðr and the weight of these occurrences to yet comprehend the quintessence outside of those rare lucid moments that only the abyssic extremities of the human condition canst deliver.
These fleeting moments of insight find eclectic and esoteric catalysts, and art strewn across the myriad strands of conceptualisation, yet something dost seem to be taking shape amidst all these apparently broken leads and spiraling pathways of thought, of what hath been and, furthermore, what may yet come to pass...
CURRENT MOON moon phases
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License .
This is applicable to all audio materials published by Mistwraith. All written materials art licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License .The artists responsible for the creation of visual materials, however, art their own institutions. If thou doth desire further information, mail the artist directly.
No use of material entails affiliations of any kind 'twixt Mistwraith and their own representative corporate or ideological factions unless specifically stated. Unfortunately, due to the instabilities of security, this page may, at some point, be hijacked and, ergo, should not be taken as valid in any legal sense. Also, it should be noted that the personal affiliations of the creator have no bearing upon the Mistwraith, which is itself beyond such concerns...

My Interests


Member Since: 15/12/2007
Band Members:

Nazrath - concept, prose, composition, axes, keys, and invocations.

Nazrath is also conspiring with Adalruna , Alien Vampires , Schizophrenia , and the Vampiric Tyrant .

Intolerance - photography
Dark Art 4 Dark Souls - artwork and original logo design
Nekrofrost Designs - digital manipulation
Wulfhelm - Guest invocations and flag creation


"Glitnir heitir salr,
hann er gulli studdr
ok silfri þakðr it sama;
en þar Forseti
byggvir flestan dag
ok svæfir allar sakar"

RIV Archæon

Sounds Like: Slowly bleeding to death
Record Label: Searle Studios
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The End of ChrysalIX

On the ninth of the ninth of the ninth at nine ante meridiem, the final part of ChrysalIX was finished. True to form, Searle Studios was destroyed in the creation, however the master was saved and is ...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Sep 2009 13:00:00 GMT

Isa Incarnate

Due to energy issues at Searle Studios, as well as varying convolutions within mine master's circumstance and disposition, the completion of mine initial physical manifestation hath been postponed ind...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 08:24:00 GMT