Discount Horse Durham City Posi-Punx. Discount Horse is part of the Equestrian Collective. Home to ONSIND, Glaciers, Ghost Mice and more...
A new split on Discount Horse Records. This one has Ghost Mice and One Night Stand in North Dakota on it. It has three songs by Ghost Mice and 2 songs by ONSIND and it runs at 33rpm.
Ghost Mice are from the USA and France and ONSIND are from Pity Me.
7"- £3.50 at a show/£4.50 paypal ppd
Also recent
Glaciers - Untitled demo - Well travelled Screamo Violence, for fans of Portraits of Past and Heroin. CD-R - £3
ONSIND - Dworkin's Bastards - First full length by ONSIND. It's good and there aren't many left. CD - £4
ONSIND/Short Term Effect - split 7" - 1 track from each band. ONSIND is an acoustic pop punk band from Pity Me. Short Term Effect makes ethereal acoustic indie and comes from Consett. 7" - £3.50
Winona Forever - Demo - Crust inspired twee folk. Straight outta Chester-le-Street. For fans of bikes and awkward silence. 3" CD-R - £2.50
In Europe? Denovali , Broken Glasses and
Bis Auf's Messer stocks most of our stuff.
In the USA? Go to Interpunk
We carry a full distro. Full catalog is on the blogs.
Email Discount Horse at [email protected]