Jodiie Ann Morrison.
Morrison was born on the 31st,of the 05,1990 in Blacktown,NSW Australia
Currently studying year 12 at Wyndham Colledge, Nirimba Campass, Quakers Hill, NSW & Entertainment at Nirrimba Tafe, Nirrimba Campass, Quakers Hill, NSW.
We asked JAM what she plans on doing after year 12, she replied "i would like to get into the graphic design industry, speifically at Enmore Design Centre or CATC".
JAM also participates in an American Style Cheerleading Squad as a primary base and looks forward to train every tuesday night for two hours.
The Squad goes by the name of Diamond Dancers and Promotions, Purple Silver and White are the colors Diamonds wear proud!
Morrison also loves her family-
Nan, Grandma, Dad, Mum, Sister Melinda 24 & Her Boyfriend Simon & Sister Samantha 21. She also Loves her two bestfriends Ashley & Tarajade, would be lost without them.
and her crack whore .::Jay.Town::.
Morrison adds that she misses the friendship her & beau, her & cole once shared and would do anything she could, to get those friendships back to the way they we're, although she will never stop loving them for what they have done in her life and for who they are/ continue to be.
"sometimes what the mouth says in the beginning goes around much like chinese whispers and changes by the end.. just remember no-one but composer or the 1st responder noes what happens.. are you willing to lose this because of chinese whispers!"