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Opening Reception: February 28, 2009 7 pm- 10 pm "
Kofie One : Vintage Futurism
Opening Reception
Saturday February 28, 2009 from 7- 10 pm
The 01 Gallery presents "Vintage Futurism" an exhibition by graffiti artist Kofie One. Gallery Director Christina Ochoa curates collage works, watercolors and prints that showcase Kofie One's recent and continuous expansion of architectural styling and graffiti art. The exhibition shows from February 28th through March 29th, 2009.
Often described as abstract freeways, the lines and letterforms of his art, tense with obsessive perfection. Kofie One's art connects the dots from street art to high art like a fundamental geometry that only a certain few graffiti artists have accomplished, yet maintains a tribute to the energy and creative origins of graffiti art.
01 Gallery Project Room Presents: Greg Bojorquez : "The Sun Rises in the East"
Opening Reception
Saturday January 31, 2009 from 7-10 pm
01 Gallery Project Room presents photographer Gregory Bojorquez.
As a native of East L.A., Gregory Bojorquez has always found inspiration and subject matter in his community. He began photographing the neighborhoods of East L.A. in order to document the reality of the life and death extremes of the streets. This led Bojorquez to create "The Eastsiders," a photo essay on street happenings and character portraits all framed by the backdrop of East Los Angeles. This stark yet compassionate photo essay caught the attention of L.A. Weekly who began to publish his work. This soon led Bojorquez to publish in various L.A. magazines as well as develop his photography to include celebrity portraits such as Kobe Bryant, Ice Cube, and many other Hollywood entertainers.
"The Sun Rises In The East" exhibit will present two chapters of Bojorquez's "The Eastsiders" project. One chapter presents photography from 1997 to 2001 which features the seminal image, "Friday Night Party." The image depicts a tattooed young man who was shot and killed minutes after the photo was snapped, leading Bojorquez on his photographic quest. Bojorquez remarks "I knew that I had to keep capturing the street life around me while I was young in order to keep the spontaneity value alive in the imagery. I did not want to be some outsider with a camera, like many that have documented the east side before me."
The second chapter of Bojorquez's work in the exhibit focuses more on landscape images of East L.A. Bojorquez challenged himself by taking photos that did not have people as the main subject, knowing that often the visual impact of people in photos was common and easy to accomplish. Bojorquez then looked to capture neighborhood iconic images with palm trees, cars, and hand painted signs on liquor and convenient stores that were disappearing. Several of these images were shot in color as the sun was rising. Bojorquez utilized the optimal quality of early morning light and shadow to further engage his unique and personal perception: "to capture the culture, humanity and lifestyle of the east side."
The 01 Gallery invites the public to view this unique and passionate slice of L.A. life as seen through the eyes of Gregory Bojorquez.
The 01 Gallery opens Gregory Bojorquez in conjunction with the Chaz Bojorquez exhibition "Graff Since 69" in the adjoining main gallery. (No relation.)
For more information, please contact the gallery. 213.689.0101
Upcoming Exhibition:
Vintage Futurism: Recent paintings
Saturday, February 28, 7-10 PM
through March 29, 2009