How could you Not Realize the Power of Word after being Forced to Serve a sentence?
About Me
Not until you listen to Rakim on a rocky mountaintop have you heard hip-hop. Extract the urban element that created it and let an open countryside illustrate it..........A circle forms.I enter.Footsteps from side to side.I am forming figure eights with my feet.Footwork, centuries old, reconfigured for the present. NIGGA WHAT: the expression on my face, the name of the faceless. One hand on the ground, then the other.Baby swipes.Legwork.Knee spin.I'm nice with this shit.Hand spin into windmill into head spin: Revolution. Here and now, NIGGA....Who's next?
-Niggy Tardust AKA Saul Williams
My Interests
photography, music, weight lifting, spoken word, good movies, females, italian food, running, basketball, conscious hiphop, stand-up comedy, cars, SEATTLE........
I'd like to meet:
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4