Rick Abao, beloved American entertainer, singer, musician, composer and songwriter, was born in New Orleans to parents of Irish-French and Philippine origin. His roots were in jazz and he completed his first music studies in San Francisco. He also studied classical guitar at the famous Segovia School in Spain. Performances in Germany followed, where he soon became the king of folk festivals in the 60s and 70s. This multitalented man was hard to categorize and he refused to represent just one type of music. He wanted to make people happy and no matter where he performed, he always won his audience!
His earthly life ended in 2002. The latest release “Riding the Sun†is dedicated to him as a great human and talented artist, to his music and his beautiful songs, through which he wanted to create a better world and spread more understanding, peace and love among people. The CD was produced by Rick's Finnish wife Ritva and Finnish composer Markojuhani Rautavaara. Musicians closely related to Rick sang and played in his spirit.
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