Picard Maneuver profile picture

Picard Maneuver

About Me

Picard Maneuver is a comedy duo specializing in nerd based humor that all ages and audiences can enjoy. Formed by Adam Fanshier and Mike Hover in 2007, they combined elements of musical comedy, vaudeville, physical comedy, audience interaction and improvisation to make their distinctive act.
Adam and Mike’s unique brand of humor comes from their honest presentation of their personal lives. They are two nerds trying to make it in a world full of “cool kids”. The majority of their material may be centered on geek-related topics, but their message is universal. Everyone has felt like an outsider at one point.
You don’t have to be a nerd or ever watched an episode of Star Trek to enjoy Picard Maneuver (even though their name comes from a specific episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation). Their act is more than a collection of ‘Fanboy’ inside jokes- It is an honest tale of the ‘every man’.
Adam and Mike have a talent for making audiences feel that being an “outsider” is more than okay— it should be embraced! The boys don’t make fun of their audiences, instead they allow each audience to laugh at themselves (such as Mike’s unusually memorable way of picking up women: “The Wookie Dance”).
The two joined with the intent to “Bring back the style of comedy popularized by classic duos such as Bing and Bob, Martin and Lewis, and The Smothers Brothers.” And audiences sure seem to enjoy their ideology. From comedy clubs and bars, to the halls of prison (yes, they’ve performed in prison), Picard Maneuver has been delighting audiences all over California.
Whether you were beating up nerds in high school, the one thrown into a trashcan, or watching it from afar, Picard Maneuver is the comedy group for you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bing Crosby. We bet he could bring peace between the Romulans and Vulcans with one song.

My Blog

69 - Picard Maneuver, bikini girls, and Le...

http://vimeo.com/4022503 Did you ever see "Picard Maneuver" on the Duke Fightmaster Show? Neither did the rest of the world! (We're th headliners! Look for us at 18:00, after 15 mi...
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 15:40:00 GMT

Klingons Robbing 7-Elevens

Our worse fears have come true my friends. Klingons are robbing us where we are most vournable, 7-Elevens.Colorado Springs police are looking for a man who hit two 7-Eleven convenience stores early We...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 12:51:00 GMT

A Year In Review

Can't wait to see what other venues and places of business we will destroy through our brand of comedy. Bring it on '09!
Posted by on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 16:58:00 GMT

Visited by the Ghost of Christmas Future

After falling asleep to the comedic sounds of Chelsea Lately, I was awoken by such a clatter. As I rose from my race car bed, what stood before me I could not believe my eyes. It was Adrian Zmed. He a...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 21:05:00 GMT

World Tour Kick Off

    San Diego never saw us coming. Mostly because they aren't technically a person, but more of a geographical location. Can you image the size of the contact lens solution?   ...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Nov 2008 02:08:00 GMT

Our One Year Mission

That's right everybody, Picard Maneuver has been together for one full year at the end of this October. Come celebrate with us this October 30th! It sure was nice of the City too make this giant marqu...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 17:34:00 GMT

A Night at the Derby

A Night at the Derby At one in the morning, most people like to turn out the lights and go to sleep. And trust me, that's exactly what they did when Picard Maneuver played the world famous Derby las...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:22:00 GMT