Eddie The Z~Force Drum’ z profile picture

Eddie The Z~Force Drum’ z

About Me

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" THE LIFE AND TIMES of EDDIE THE Z~FORCE "Born in the City of Bellflower California January 7th 1964 to Anthony and Victoria Zuniga from the State of Texas, Eddie's father was a well know drummer , guitarist, and vocalist of his days of life on the stage. Being inspierd by his father Eddie soon pick up were his father left off the day he was killed in an auto accident on his way home from playing a concert on Febuary 7th 1965. By 1971 there was no getting by the fact Eddie was gifted as a drummer just as his father was before his passing, the family notice early in his child hood days, from his time in the school band at Kennan Elementry to the playing drums in the Torch Jr High as well as the Bassett High School marching band untill 1982. Having much experiance playing in many garage bands and gigs from back yard parties to weddings under his belt Eddie loved playing music of all kinds he always made sure his knowledge of the top 40's was currant because he always wanted to be able to play anything the pepole wanted and thats the way it was "Give them what they want!" and be ready for it, Not coming from a family that was well off because Eddie's mother Victoria stuggled on her own to support the family after his dad paased away, so having a brand new set of drums or even a decent set was just his hearts desire for many years. Eddie Z learned to be content with what he had in the early days of growing up in the hood Bassett, CA. Sure there were a few other drummers around town who thought they had it all together with nice looking drum sets and always seem to be the ones bad mouthing his drum kit but not his playing. Eddie always thought it was all about having the skills and the heart anyway. It may look good but does it sound good and he can remember saying that. His stage name did not come in to place until 1985 " Eddie The Z~Force Zuniga " his mother always said that he played with such "Force" well after playing for so many years and at times taking out all of his fustrations on the drums he learned to play with power & authority. He can be a heavy hitter at times yet dynamic and smooth he beleives he learned this control from studying the top 40's all these years." MY TESTMONY "Growing up with out a father to inpart positive things in to my life i got caught up in all the wrong things and bad habits of freinds who only got me hooked on drugs and alcahol at the age of 14 years old all the up until i was 28 years old. my life as an alcaholic, drug addict was already in full swing by the time i was 17 years old, and having all ready done time locked up in juvaniel hall at 15 years old. It all started when smoke pot for the first time at 14 and it was all down hill from there, i soon started smoke angel dust and not long after that tryed PCP (super cools) and loved it, i remember mix dust & weed together and smoking it then came the sherms, and more time locked up for under the infulence and drunk driving. having totaled my first car, i aso started sorting lines of coke like there was no tomarrow and was introduced to crank back in the day, useing needels then fallowed as well as heroin and speed balls & pill's talk about living six feet from the edge of six feet under. I was soon introduce to crack cocain and not long after that cystal Meth, then i got locked up in state prison " i told you it was all down hill from the i started smoking pot" don't ever let anybody tell you that pot does not lead to other things!!! you see after getting locked up time & time again i thuoght i would learn my lesson by now but that was not the case. Then I found my self living in the streets pushing a shoping cart around looking for cans & bottles and hanging out with all the winos and hypes at 25 years old, it bacame a life style that blinded me from the start. I remember the Lord keep sending all kinds of christians my way one planted another watered the seed that was the word of being place in my heart, I'll never forget lying down on some old thrown out cushions between a brick wall and dumpster with 40zo bottle of king kobra in my hand looking into the sky at the stars and saying God if your real you got to help me i can't do this anymore my life is jacked up, and at the age of 28 years old I gave my life & heart to the Lord Jesus Christ & continue to serve Him in any way possible... I am presently playing drums on the worthship team at my church in Palmdale.California callled Praise Chapel Center of Hope and have been married for 11 years and blessed with two beautiful daughters named Victoia & Andrea.

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests


Member Since: 14/12/2007
Band Members: No longer playing drums for christian rock band Brethren, Looking for pro touring band that is christian and serious about serving the Lord on the road.
Record Label: a href="http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cf

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