The United Left profile picture

The United Left

I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

The United Left is an anti-capitalist organization currently headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The function of the United Left is to educate people about the evils of capitalism and to take action against it. In order to accomplish this, we engage in weekly "actions", ranging from handing out leaflets, to direct action.Meetings are at 7:00 PM Mondays at the Cream City Collectives. (732 E. Clarke St.)

My Interests

Anarchism, Communism, Socialism, Feminism, Masculism, Anti-fascism, Anti-consumerism, Anti-racism, thisism, thatism, ism, ism, ism. ~~~ Anarquismo, Comunismo, Socialismo, Feminismo, Masculismo, Antifacismo, Anticonsumismo, Antiracismo

I'd like to meet:

La Izquierda Unida esta una organización anticaptitalista de Milwaukee, Wisconsin. La Izquierda Unida participa en una acción de la semana. Encantramos todo lunes a 7:00 de la noche a The Cream City Collectives. (732 E. Clarke St.)


My Blog

Proposed Manifesto of the United Left

             In 1791, in the midst of the French Revolution, the Legislative Assembly was established in order to better govern the French people....
Posted by The United Left on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:17:00 PST

Proposed Five Core Beliefs of the United Left

1. Personal Liberty              The United Left believes that all people should have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the freedom to l...
Posted by The United Left on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:14:00 PST