***********ENDTIMES MYSPACE PAGE******************If you reading this page then the alarm has been sounded... You are held responsible 4 what you read... God has been giving me prophetic dreams.. One particular morning when I was completing my 3 day fast... I had a dream about judgement and the rapture... In the dream my friend was warning me that Judgement was coming, as we were walking down the street, suddenly I was caught up in the air.... This dream was frighten because I was minding my own business, doing what I normally do.... and was caught off guard by being caught up in the air.... I believe when Christ return... it will be something similar.... So I am sounding the alarm to whoever that will read this...Get your house in order.... Don't get left Behind.... Look at the signs of the times... My Friend... God return is near and Judgement.... This not to frighten you but to prepare you.... To live 4 Christ is an awesome way to live.... He came so that you could have an abundant life… Life of Peace and Joy… Life of Victory in every area of your life… but you have to choose Life and not death…. You say… How do I choose life? By asking Jesus to come into your Heart Today! Once you make this commitment don’t look back….. Keep Moving Forward! Surround yourself with people that walking the walk & talking the talk…. and having victory in their lives... christians that on fire 4 God….. God need warriors that not ashamed to stand strong 4 him… Guard your heart… Don’t allow unforgiveness to plague your heart… Let go… and Let God! Learn to rest in God…. He will fight 4 you… Learn what God say about you…. Speak only God words... Not what people say about you or the news...Such as I am the head and not the tail…. I can speak to mountains and they will move…. Let the poor say I am rich… Also this is very important… Guard watch you see and hear… When your standing strong 4 god…. You cannot allow yourself to watch anything on tv, internet, or listen to music that are lust or profanity inspired… Because it gets into your spirit and contaminates your spirit… and you’re not able to listen to the voice of your spirit….. because God speaks all the time…. also 4 some women ... did you not know that God value you so much that he say.... Favor is deceitful, and Beauty is Vain: but a Woman that Feareth the LORD, she shall be Praised... also Who can find a virtous women? Her price is Far Above Rubies…. Don’t allow yourself to be cheapen… be a Women of Wisdom who deserves Dignity and Respect... A modest women.. Your future Destiny is Dependent on the person you hook up with…. it dictates the quality of life you will have... Good or Bad....******Say this PRAYER if you would like to Accept JESUS into your HEART Today*****
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