My name is Sarah Silverman, which can sometimes cause a bit of confusion for people. No, I am not that comedian who's poster for 'the Sarah Silverman Show' is plastered all over the New York subways. And no, I am not "the REAL Sarah Silverman" as the delivery boy from a local restaurant asked me yesterday. I am Sarah Silverman, the MUSICIAN. I am a classically trained pianist and hold my Master of Music Degree from the Manhattan School of Music. I have also been fortunate enough to study voice with Luciana Souza and Peter Eldridge and so my musical output crosses many borders. Here you will find a selection of 2 of my original singer/songwriter tunes as well as some classical piano & voice recordings. Please listen and enjoy and let me know what you think!Check out this video: Nocturne
Check out this video: The Sarah Silverman Song
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