Achilia Mimi Angu Kipendo... profile picture

Achilia Mimi Angu Kipendo...

About Me

'People will always fascinate me. They are all so unique. Simply with observation I can see things, hear things that give me insite into who they are and the lives they've led.''I sit here talking with a friend. A friend I have always shared so much with, who knows me and who I know. Then suddenly, as I am looking at him while he makes simple conversation, I see him through the eyes of a stranger. I look at him and I see someone I don't know at all. Like I am meeting him for the very first time.''I know how I perceive myself and I know how I perceive others, but sometimes I wonder how others percieve me. The person I see when I look into a mirror, isn't the person I always visualize myself as. So, what do others visualize?''Every person is in fact, many people rolled into one.''Being aware of what certain human behaviors mean gives a person a lot of power. They are able to read people so much better. Observing and analyzing body language, looks, reactions, etc. tells a person more than could ever be expressed with words. You must be extra careful around people with that advanced talent. They may be picking up much more about you then you would ever feel comfortable with.''There is an object in the middle of a dark space. I am shining a flashlight onto it and from where I am, which is the same place I have always been, I can only see one side of it. If I make my way to a different place in this dark space I'll see a different side of the object. I could see things I would not have been able to see staying where I am. When you only see one side of the object, you might have a clue as to what it is, but you don't know. In order to truly learn what the object is, you have to move all around it, try to see every side, and every angle there is, and only then will you have a better idea as to what the object really is.''We might think something happened precisely for a reason because of it's outcome, but if it had not happened we wouldn't know it hadn't and surely some other thing 'coincidence' would happen causing us to think IT was meant to happen THAT way.''Sometimes what makes something so wonderful, so special, is the fact that we can't understand it.''So, life is a journey - cliche - what is this journey? Are there specific places to represent specific places in life or specific struggles? A forest for confusion? A desert for loneliness? A dark cavern for fear? Whatever there is, I am certain there is always an opposite parallel connected by a ladder. There are always two ways to go, the way you are already going and the opposite parallel, across the bridge. They are the two forces, creation (love) and destruction (hate). One way will always seem easier when you are looking at it from the other side of the bridge.''Look in the mirror. What do you see? Do you recognize the person looking back at you? Are you lying to the mirror, or is the mirror lying to you?''Friendship, and I mean real, honest, deep intimate friendship (not the surface shallow friendship all too many create a comfort zone in) but that deep bonded friendship that takes time, patience, love, and a lot of work to build, that kind of friendship is so amazing, so important. With out this unexplainable bond, no one can live life, at least not a life worth living. If you don't have a person that you can trust to the end of the Earth and time, a person you can spend countless hours talking and laughing with, then you will inevitably be very lonely, angry, and bitter. I do believe the lack of companionship could drive a person utterly mad and possibly even kill them.''A guy who did his laundry in the laundromat where I work reminded me of my cousin Benny. His sense of style was unique and very attractive. I think the thing that reminded me of Benny was the look of intellect that I've always admired in my cousin. The guy at the laundromat had an artistic look to him as well. That in addition to the intellect and also that down to Earth, naturalistic practicality look I seem to find attractive. I found it difficult not to watch him, observe him. He was reading a book. He was almost finished with it. The book was a hard back sky blue book with no visible pictures or words on the cover. It was the kind of book I always find myself drawn to in a library. The lack of pictures and self advertisement attempts on the outside always had an artistic, mysterious appeal to me. It did not need cheap quotes from NY Magazine to have it read. The story in itself was intriguing enough to have it read on it's own. People are like that too. ~~ The guy sat in a chair across from me reading his book and I simply sat in my chair reading my book. We never said a word to each other, I don't think he ever even looked at me. Yet, I found him intriguing. He wore an old pair of gray dress pants and a shirt. He had a brown sweater and a blue jacket, his clothes looked like they might have been vintage. He looked familiar to me. His face looked like one I've seen before but I couldn't figure out where. When his clothes were dry he folded everything perfectly, including his socks and boxers and put them neatly into a green fabric bag, much like a military bag. Then he put on his sweater, jacket and scarf systematically, took his laundry bag and quietly left with out a word.''Over the course of your lifetime thousands of people will come and go, there will be some however, that will always be apart of who you are... those are the people you will never forget and in whose memory your story will live on forever...''Fear is such a strange and fascinating thing. It suddenly appears, or slowly creeps in, either way it seems to come from no where, spontaneously occurring, like a big bang. It just happens, there is no source, no explanation, it just is. It just is in all of us. A part of it is always present.''When we are children, there is only the here and now. We may remember last week or have a sleep over planed for next week, but that's is. We don't remember a past and the future seems impossibly far away. When did we reach the point where there is no here and now? I reflect on my past and plan my future. I've forgotten about today. Life was so fun and care free when all we had to worry about was the here and now. Even now I am reflecting on my past.'
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people, REAL people.

My Blog

the accident

I guess I'd sort of had a feeling, as crazy as that sounds, but I thought nothing of it. It never occurred to me that something might actually happen as a result of that familiar blind corner. I'd gon...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 23:17:00 GMT


She stood on the cheap wooden balcony looking out at the stars. The gentle breeze fluttering through her skirt and hair. She looked so elegent, gracefull, but that wasn't how she felt. She could hear ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 20:51:00 GMT

A safe place

As much as I am always saying I need to get out of this tiny little town, away from this area, it is becoming more and more clear to me that, this place, is still my home. I can see myself pretty much...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 22:26:00 GMT

a little catching up

It's been a while since I've posted a blog, so I figured I should get a few things out there.First, CONGRATS to Kristen J, who is now a mom!!Next, a few of my own thoughts.As I am working my way throu...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 22:13:00 GMT

It's a Strange Feeling

It's a strange feeling when all of a sudden you realize that the man you were sure you would spend the rest of your life with, is someone you don't even know anymore; when you realize that the person ...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 20:55:00 GMT

Peoria IL Here I come!

The First Covenant Chruch in Peoria IL is officially freakin awsome! I contacted them about a week ago, telling them that I was probably going to be relocating to the area and since then I've received...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 15:03:00 GMT

I got my acceptance letter!!!

This morning, I got my acceptence letter from Moody Bible Institute! I'm so excited!! It seems like I've been waiting FOREVER for that letter! YAY!!
Posted by on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 16:48:00 GMT

the eye of the storm

          I stood, leaning against the windowsill, watching the rain make a swamp of the back yard. It's been raining for three days. I was starting to get real...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:01:00 GMT

the invincible man

Still two blocks away I recognized his pants first. We'd asked him about his absurd pants once; that rediculous fabric. He told us that he goes out and intentionaly picks the most bizzar fabric h...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 19:51:00 GMT

a predictable story

There's always a 'hero'. In all the stories, there is a 'hero'. It seems like all the 'heros' leave home, just pick up and leave thier small town home, leaving all thier loose ends there to unravel. T...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 13:15:00 GMT