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Elvis Presely, My grandpa, God (but not for a while)
I just have to say that music is the SHIT!!! I love almost all kinds. R&B, hip hop, rock, rap, all of it except country can't stand that.
Napoleon Dynamite, Crash, Fried Green Tomatoes, All 3 Austin Powers, Dirty Dancing, Up in Smoke, Legends of the Fall, Sleepers
Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy, ER, Real World, Laguna Beach, Biggest Loser, My name is Earl,scrubs, America's Next top model, CSI (las vegas ROCKS!!), The Office, Seinfield, That 70's show
I love the book Da Vince Code ( I don't know if that is spelled right though), Private and Public Families(book for a family studies class)
My mother, she is a very strong woman and I hope to live up to her.