On the evening of July twelth nineteen eighty two Pepsi Lee Benjamin or internationally known as MISSTHANG graced this world. Born to two struggling parents forced to seperate because of lack of love, respect or monetary issues. Missthang was struck by independence at a very young age. Growing up with trials of moving constantly between foster homes and shelters she was sure to pick up the soldier tactics brought on by her mother Sharon Benjamin. " I remember being young and sometimes not really knowing where we were going to stay, but as I grew up I started noticing my mom mature as a caretaker. I started to believe I could always count on having a home." As the only instrument offered in her community Missthang started Playing the Violin by third grade. It started out as a hobby and evolved into concert events. " I felt prescious learning how to play the violin. It’s almost like the music was healing my soul." After four years of playing an instrument Missthang still had ambition to pursue her love for music by creating a young girl group consisting of R&B and rap called "Illmatic Adolescence" Finding teenage life to be hard she fell into the typical hardships of being surrounded by family secrets and drugs. She began to realize that was not the lifestyle she wanted to lead. In high school she would play characters in theatrical programs with Steppingstone theatre along with the school plays to distract her mind from the events in her personal life.
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